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A year in the making....

Greetings and salutations all!

The above photo was taken at my very first match in May 2015. I've come a long way since then and so has my attire. The previous post was a photo of me from October 2016. I just wanted to illustrate how much has changed with me in just over a tie that into this website...I can't WAIT to see how this website has grown by this time next year!

A year seems such a long time when you say it, but in reality it is nothing more than a blink or two of the eye away. I have come to love this sport and more importantly the people I do it with! We have such a wonderful, caring, fun, and thoughtful group of cowboys and cowgirls here that i couldn't imagine doing this anywhere else! I often think about what would have happened if i had gone to my first match at another club with a different group of people. I don't think i would have taken to it quite the same way i have here with my River Rat family. Not to say that other clubs don't have wonderful people, because i've met more than a fair share of wonderful people in this sport. More than i could list here.

This site is small. I'm sure it will be found wanting. I know however that it like me, in a very short time, will fill out and become something that not just I, but my whole club can be proud of.

As i mentioned in the previous post, this is the first time i have ever build and managed a website. I welcome all hints, tips, tricks, criticism, praise, or anything else you as readers can throw at me. I am running about 8 hours behind my original intended schedule for getting this off the ground. Today is Saturday November 19th. I have been working on this site for about two weeks now, i even lost it entirely in that time and had to re-create my work piece by piece. I said i would update this site at least once a week, and i will. That may come as new photos, Blog posts, entire new pages, new features, reviews, news, etc....

I am hitting the PUBLISH button at or before 9am this morning.

Keep your socks dry, and your whistle wet!

Veddy Badman

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1953 Sharon Hogue Rd
Masury, Trumbull County 44438

©2016 by Shenango River Rats. Proudly created with

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