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Happy New Year
We just wanted to wish everyone a safe and Happy New Year. We will resume shooting in Niles hopefully soon.

Thursday Work Shirker at Brookfield! September 24, 2020!
"Ho, big fellow. Now, when I start shooting my start counting with your front right foot, Ok?" "I'll see if I can beat Tonto...

Brookfield CAS with the River Rats Saturday September 12, 2020!
"Whut's in the pot?" "I thought it wuz coffee..." "Coffee? I thought it wuz oatmeal!" "Whut the heck is it?" "Let's ask Mo; he knows...

Saturday Cowboy Action with the Shenango River Rats!
"Hey! Hombre! Give us all your Icy Hot!" "Where you guys going? There's a hotel down at Yankee Flats!" "No, no! We hear there many...

Have a Safe and Happy Labor Day Weekend from All of Us at Brookfield!
Labor Day! September 7, 2020 All of us Shenango River Rats at the Brookfield Conservation Club wish everyone a safe and Happy Labor Day...

Brookfield CAS! Thursday Work-Shirker on August 27, 2020!
"What the heck is this?" "That's the posse after the stage writer! What a bunch of spoil-sports!" "Wadd-eee-do?" "He wrote, 'if yuh miss...

Thursday Work-Shirker Open Class CAS Match at Brookfield! August 27, 2020!
"Whoa! We are quite the posse!" "Yeah, we'd be a bigger posse if we hadn't got way-laid at the dug-out last night...." "Way-laid by a...

The Shenango River Rats Rode Again! Saturday August 8, 2020!
"Well, looky here! 45 television western stars!" "I see the Lone Ranger, Festus, Doc Adams, Dan Troop, and I think Johnny Crawford is...

Brookfield CAS! Thursday Work-Shirker Open Class CAS Match! July 30, 2020
"Where you goin' Uncle Ethan? Are you gonna look for Little Debbie again?" "Naw, I already found her once. I ain't lookin' for her again!...

Rainy Daze at Brookfield! Saturday July 11, 2020. CAS with the Shenango River Rats!
"Geez! How are we supposed to shoot'im that far away?" "Shoot who?" "That guy ..... way over there!" "There's a guy over there? Where? ...
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