History of the West! The Year of 1876Famous People in the Year of 1876 Part One What a year this was! Here’s a long-winded post about some inventions and events...
Happy Memorial Day! May 29, 2017Please take a moment to remember our veterans today. Just take a moment. Thank you.
Sun Dance anyone? Rained-out Thursday CAS matchThursday May 25, 2017 Hopefully, everyone got the message; the Brookfield Work Shirker Match was cancelled. The Brunswick Kid and I went...
CAS at Brookfield. Thursday May 25, 2017CAS at Brookfield Conservation Club in Masury, Ohio Thursday May 25, 2017 Last Thursday of the Month Open Class Work Shirker Match Doors...
Shenango River Rats Outdoors! May 13, 2017The Shenango River Rats Saturday May 13, 2017 What a beautiful day it was! The birds were chirping, the chipmunks were...
CAS at Brookfield! We're Back! May 13, 2017The Shenango River Rats are back at Yankee Flats, the sleepy little cowboy town in the woods. Outdoor Shooting season starts May 13, 2017...
17th Annual Gun Raffle at Yankee Lake - Yankee Lake, OhioTrumbull County Federation of Sportsman’s Clubs Annual 17th Gun Raffle 60 Plus Guns Saturday, May 6th, 2017 at the Yankee...