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Lake Park Raiders Indoor CAS in Niles

Saturday December 10, 2016

The snow was flyin’ yesterday on Friday but the lead was flyin’ today down at the Western Reserve Fish and Game Club as the Lake Park Raiders and other assorted lead-slingers came out in force to put a whuppin’ on some surly 8 x 11 inch copy paper that was hangin’ around some shot-up old card board in Niles.

There was Comanche sign and damsels in distress that needed rescuing and there was a hostage situation and a ‘mess’ that got started and of course the three musketeer sweep reared its ugly head again BUT “a good time was had by all!” as they say!

Some folks are so fond of that 3 Musketeer sweep that they come back to experience it again but as of today, it’s going to be laid to rest at least for a couple months. There’s a place for it out at Boot Hill in the town of Yankee Flats!

We had 14 shooters come out for some good, clean fun and I do believe the roads were pretty clear, going and coming, and I hope everyone had a safe trip home. It’s a jungle out there especially at Christmas shopping time and folks can get pretty surly and snarly but luckily there was no ice or snow and some of the folks had a long way to go so let’s hope they had a safe trip.

Billy Bad somehow came in first place, and Swiftwater Jack came in second. NA Custer came in third and Suety Hawk came in fourth and this lady is gettin’ good!

Congratulations Suety Hawk! Maybe she could let Veddy Badman in on her technique! Ha!

Brown Township’s own Sandy Creek Jake got fifth place and Slow Mo got twelfth place which is really a lucky place to be but I really should go back to left-hand Bisley shooting. I may come in eleventh next time! I had a really good time though. There was much laughter and jollification!

Thanks to everyone for coming out and thank you for all your help, we can’t do it without you and that's everyone that sticks a sticker or unfolds a blanket, runs the timer or takes in the match fees, or fixes someone’s six shooter and chases brass and shot shells across the floor. Even though it’s sometimes never mentioned, we appreciate all the help we can get so a BIG THANK YOU to all you folks.

At the end of the match we had Veddy Badman and Wyatt N. Erdy’s “alias story contest” where hombres and hombrettes could read aloud about the origin of their alias. Swiftwater Jack won this contest hands down and won a free lunch! Congratulations Swiftwater Jack!

The next Cowboy match in Niles is the Thursday after Christmas, December 29th, 2016. Everyone can wear their new snappy cowboy duds they got for Christmas and this’ll be a good time to try out all those new shootin’ irons that Santa stuck under the tree.

I just hope the Christmas angel doesn’t provide us with an over-abundance of snow and icy bad roads, I hate drivin’ when it’s bad. I used to have to drive at all hours of the day and night on unplowed roads when I was still working. It was an hour trip on a good night, uphill both ways, and the worst thing was the Freddie King CDs wouldn’t play in the car when it got real cold! Can’t have that!!

Have a very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy Holiday Season!

Like the cowboys say, if I don’t see you in the future I may see you in the pasture!


Slow Mo Dern

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