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The BIG Thank You

The BIG Thank You to all the Shenango River Rats, Friends, and Partners


I would like to thank everyone for putting in your time, effort, resources, expertise, supplies, good ideas, bad ideas, and donations to help us put on our monthly cowboy action matches this year. So many times people have come to the rescue at the very last minute or on short notice especially when a trailer was needed or a mechanical apparatus needed fixed or the leaves needed raked. Thank you for coming through for us.

We lucked out about 5 times this year by not getting rained on; no doubt the chance of rain scared a lot of good shootin’ people away so we didn’t have as big a turn out as we could have.

Joe says we’ll be open again next year. We have good people and the range keeps improving every year. Our monthly matches are held on the second Saturday and the last Thursday. Thursday is our “work shirker”, open-class match, where you can shoot duelist on one stage, two-handed on another, and gunfighter on the next stage. Shooter’s choice!

I want to thank Joe for letting Hagen and me write some stages this year and loaning me all those books from other matches so I could plagiarize and steal ideas and movie lines. My good friend Hagen is also full of good ideas and has an exceptional amount of energy and talent and he’s always fun to work with.

I had a super duper time writing stages and scenarios and thanks to everyone for all your suggestions and help. I try to work every suggestion into a stage if I can and if it doesn’t happen that week it could happen the next week. You may not be there to see your suggestion used but if you suggested it – it’ll get put into play. With your name on it!

There’s a new sheriff in town! Ooops! I mean governor!

This fall we have a new Territorial Governor, Swiftwater Jack, who was elected on October 27th of 2016 at our last match of the year which was rained out. Thanks to him for stepping up to take this position, he’s more than qualified and I’m sure he will put his heart into it.

Thanks to Veddy Badman for cranking up our website and getting it moving. He put in a lot of time, effort, sweat and thought into this project and he deserves a big round of applause. Salute!

Thanks to all you folks for your understanding, sense of humor, ethics, compassion, patriotism, friendship and all those things we can’t touch but that’s in our hearts.

I’m a very lucky person to have all you folks for friends and I gotta thank Idaho FAS for getting me into CAS years ago. If it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t have all you folks for friends. You’re my family away from home.

For this year, like Cole Younger says in the movie True Grit, “we have had some lively times.”

That’s my BIG thank you,

Merry Christmas everyone and have a Happy Holiday Season!


Slow Mo Dern

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1953 Sharon Hogue Rd
Masury, Trumbull County 44438

©2016 by Shenango River Rats. Proudly created with

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