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Cowboy Action In Niles, Ohio - The Return of the Lake Park Raiders

The Return of the Lake Park Raiders!

Today is December 29, 2016 and another Christmas bites the dust and enters the history books never to be seen again. New Year’s Eve is fast upon us and pretty dern soon it’ll be 2017, a brand new year with brand new adventures!

You know what’s right around the corner after winter? Mud Season! Mud Season and the start of a brand new shootin’ season at Yankee Flats! I can hardly wait!

We had a nice day for the geographical transition to Niles today, all the main roads were clear, not a speck of ice or snow to be seen so it was 65 mph all the way.

Lottsa help settin’ up the scenarios, Joe and Swiftwater Jack, Hagen, and the Brunswick Kid lent a hand. Thanks guys!

Had 17 cowpokes and cowgirls return to the Western Reserve Fish and Game club to wage war on that 8x11 copy paper that keeps hangin’ around. There were Christmas tree sweeps and chimney sweeps, Firelands sweeps and Nevada sweeps, plenty of stale Christmas jokes, holiday puns, and jollification. There was so much excitement that I forgot to tell my mistletoe joke so I’ll save it for next year.

Lottsa new friendly faces today, I hope everyone had a good time. Thanks for all your help with the posse duties and such. Sodbuster and his niece, Shotgun Shelby, had to leave us way too early, ‘cause they had to be somewhere, but I hope we’ll see’em again soon.

Rattlesnake Ruby and Missouri Jake dropped in to say hello and wish everyone a happy new year. Looks like Christmas was good to them.

Meanwhile back at the match, Sixgun Seamus came in first place, NA Custer shot a clean match, Swiftwater Jack was swift, Crazy Thom was crazy, and Mo Dern was pretty dern surprised that he came in 6th! There might be somethin’ to this two-handed shootin’! I only missed three targets! I may frame that score sheet!

Thanks to Veddy Badman for making award poker chips for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place for us to use instead of award ribbons. Today was the introduction of his new “Aww Sh*t!” award for folks that were only one miss away from a clean match.

Thanks to Lenny James for giving us the Christmas Tree sweep but he said the star-shaped bonus target is too big and it should be cut down to size! I aim to please so look for a more challenging bonus next time!

Crazy Thom suggested having the Crazy Thom sweep in the shape of a big X next time so look for that also!

The trip home was a real joy. The Christmas traffic was gone, the sky was blue, the grass was green, the roads were clear, and I was hungry for lunch! And of course, a good time was had by all!

See you next year!

Happy New Year!!


Slow Mo Dern

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1953 Sharon Hogue Rd
Masury, Trumbull County 44438

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