The Lake Park Raiders Ride!
Indoor CAS at Niles with the Lake Park Raiders Jan 14, 2017

The weather was nice n’ cold but good for travelin’ to a Saturday cowboy match in Niles! The Lake Park Raiders rode in from near and far and there was a mess of’em!
We had a record turnout of Cowboys, Cowgirls, spectators, helpers, and one lame dude with a hurt foot that sat around a lot. That building was full!
22 shooters came out to masterfully throw some lead at strategically placed copy paper stuck on authentic Old West cardboard! We had the famous Christmas Tree on the Curb Sweep, the Crazy Thom Zig Zag Sweep, the Diablo Sweep, among other technically intricate sweeps and shootification.
Dakota Bert, one of the founders of the Shenango River Rats came all the way from his home on the range in Texas just to shoot with us and it was good seeing him again. He really looks good!
Low Plains Drifter aka Trump came out from New York to blast some cardboard, I hope he knows that Wild Wild West Point isn’t open yet!
Wyatt N. Erdy got some brand new shootin’ irons and shot Josey Wales with his new reloads! Congratulations! Maybe pretty soon we’ll be seein’ him on the Outdoor Channel!
Fast shootin’ Sixgun Seamus came in fourth place and NA Custer came in third place. Billy Badazz got second place and Swiftwater Jack was the swiftest so he came in first! He missed being clean by one so he got the AwwwS**t poker chip.
Sodbuster aka Mr. Clean was clean and smooth and he’s still grinnin’ about that and it’s Monday! He’s so proud he’s gonna nail that score sheet to the living room wall!
What a crowd we had! Thanks to all the Ladies that came out to shoot! They are an inspiration and encouragement to other Lady shooters that are thinking about trying Cowboy Action Shooting. It really is a fun way to spend a Saturday!
Look for The Figure 8 sweep suggested by Hooligan at the next match and we’re also going to retire Clara Bow for a couple weeks. She’s going to Boot Hill with the Musketeer sweep. The dapper Veddy Badman has invented the Slow Mo Dern sweep so look for that coming soon at a cowboy match near you. You may have to be slow to excel at that or it may make you slow! We’ll find out.
Shenango Joe says we need more shotgun reloading practice so look for 2 stages with no shotgun and 2 to 3 stages with a shotgun reload. You can shoot that shotgun Lawman style if you’ve a mind to!
Spring’s comin’!
See you soon,
Slow Mo Dern