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The Lake Park Raiders-Still Riding!

The Lake Park Raiders - Still Riding in Niles!

Thursday March 30, 2017

It was a good day to be work-shirkin’! The Ohio sky was gray with a chance of rain, imagine that, and somewhere, the Pike were biting, crocuses’ were up, Spring was in the air, and so was the smell of smokin’ Rugers!

The current incarnation of the Lake Park Raiders were shirkin’ it up good over in Niles, Ohio, for the Last Thursday of the Month, Work-Shirker, Open-Class Indoor CAS Match! Plenty of laughs and jollification! A good time was had by all!

A posse of twelve dedicated pistoleers shot their way through a menagerie of 5 intricate Old West stages, scenarios, and sweeps that were plastered to a vast wall of cardboard inside the little building on Third Street.

We shot the King Kong sweep, the Slow Mo sweep, the Really Krazy Thom sweep, the Krazy Nevada sweep, and the Brunswick Kid’s Two One Two sweep and did it all in a “goodly state of merriment!” No talk of stout ropes, high tree limbs, or dead stage-writers! HaHa!

Sixgun Seamus came in 1st place with Cheatin’ Charlie coming in 2nd. Curly came in 3rd place with Krazy Thom at 4th place and Hagen in 5th. The AwwSh*t poker chip went to Seamus and the “Double Ducky” went to the Brunswick Kid who had a clean match and placed in the middle of the pack. Congratulations to all our winners and participants!

It was good to see nice guy, Cheatin’ Charlie out and around again, he looks good and he went home with the 2nd place poker chip so he hasn’t lost his touch! Welcome back, Charlie!

The Brunswick Kid brought his new Walker – not that kinda walker! – the kind you shoot! It shoots real good; he can almost touch the target from the firing line with that long barrel! He shot it without a fence post too! Gus would be proud! HaHa!

A big “Welcome Back” also goes out to Rattlesnake Ruby; he’s feelin’ good enough to start shooting again; he looked pretty good and his sense of humor was still intact!

Some posse partners are still under the weather so please keep them in your thoughts, thanks.

Thanks to everyone who brought in supplies and hardware; that’s always a practice appreciated and encouraged. This is the stuff we can all use!

Big thanks to everyone for helping us with all the details, big and small, of doing this match. Everybody pitched in, took a part, and helped things run super-smooth! We appreciate it and thank you.

We shoot 2 more matches indoors at Niles, in April; the second Saturday and the last Thursday of the month.

Our next Niles match will be on April 8, 2017. We’ll have another fun-filled adventure right out of the Old West!

Look for the Dead Man’s Hand sweep, the Big Fred sweep, the Tall “T” sweep or Brunswick Kid’s new Catwoman sweep, the Big “P” sweep, and (saving the best for last), of course, a current rendition of the Krazy Thom sweep! No Slow Mo’s, no King Kongs, no bonuses, no stars, no double crosses! Just 5 down and dirty, nitty gritty, meat and potatoes, no nonsense, Good Ol’ Boy Cowboy sweeps with some classic movie lines to go with’em!

Shenango Joe has made us more of his world-famous, low-recoil, shotgun shells so we can shoot more shotgun targets. These shells are brand-new so they should be really accurate!

See you next time, watch your top-knot,

Yours truly,

Slow Mo Dern

“Cowboy Action Shooting is a wonderful sport and these activities promote honesty, moral correctness, a love of history, and it’s a heck of a lot of fun!”

- David Chicoine

“Think about it, where else could you go and dress up like a cowboy or western movie actor, talk like you were from Wyoming, even though you grew up in Akron, enjoy your favorite sport (shooting!) and play the ham all at the same time without the slightest chance of being ridiculed?”

Go out there and try it, you’ll be glad you did!

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Masury, Trumbull County 44438

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