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Lake Park Raiders-still at it! 4-8-17

Lake Park Raiders are Still at It!

Saturday April 8, 2017

The day started off cold and clear but sure was better than the last few days! The sun came out and made everything more better! It warmed up nicely.

It was also nice and warm inside the Western Reserve Fish and Gamer Club on Third Street in Niles, Ohio, where a large posse of 10 pistoleers were in pursuit of happiness, doing the happiest thing one could do on a chilly April Saturday – shootin’ 5 colorful fun-filled stages of cardboard, poster board, and copy paper! No CLANG! But plenty of BANG!

We shot Sixgun Seamus’ Big P sweep, Brunswick Kid’s Guy Lombardo sweep, sweetest sweep this side of Southington, N.A. Custer’s Big Fred and Hollywood Erdy Rose’s Dead Man’s Hand, and last, at last, we shot Mo’s color-coded Tall T sweep! T is for train-wreck, but not today! It was color-coded! HaHa!

Swiftwater Jack came into town to cool off with some Ohio snow but he was hot today! He won the First Place poker chip and received a rubber ducky for shooting a clean match. The other “ducky” went to Duelin’ Diehl; he shot a clean match too!

Lenny James, sportin’ a new hat, came in Second Place and Laramie Leadslinger, the man in black, came in Third Place. The Brunswick Kid received a “ducky” award by a special mathematical engineering formula I didn’t quite understand but we were all happy for him. Congratulations to all our winners and participants!

One day we’ll find our lost “Clean Match” poker chips! I’m confident they’ll turn up. We’re running low on Rubber Ducks!

Slow Mo crawled out of the basement and came in Fourth Place! I was so happy! I think I’m gettin’ in the groove! Out of the basement and into the groove! My name’s not usually listed in the top ten at the end of a match but it was today!

Thank you all for all your help and work, making this match run clean and smooth like a well-oiled machine – all the way from the smallest detail to the largest!

Thanks to Joe for bringing in the fresh donuts and providing us with a free lunch today! It was good, simple, hassle-free, and there was plenty! I also want to thank Kat for making us some super-good brownies! I hope no one went away hungry! A good lunch was had by all!

Please keep our friends, who couldn’t be here today, in your thoughts and prayers. Many folks we know have other things they have to do and I want them to know we’re thinking of them. Thank you.

We have one more match as the Lake Park Raiders in Niles; our last winter season indoor match. The next match is the Last Thursday of the Month Work-Shirker Open Class Match on April 27th.

Look for the return of the Krazy Thom sweep, the Big X, the Fish Out of the Barrel sweep, possibly the ChaCha sweep, and the “big surprise” sweep. I made it up but I need a name for it. Right now I’m calling it the MOHO sweep – miss one hit one.

We will be back outside at the Brookfield Conservation Club starting in May and hopefully we’ll have better luck this year with the precipitation gods. I haven’t sacrificed any chickens but I’ve been eating chicken all winter so I hope that counts for something!

It will be good to hear the cold steel ring again!! CLANG! I miss that!

I hope to see you soon, in the future or in the pasture,

Yours truly,

Slow Mo Dern

Cowboy Action Shooting is a wonderful sport and these activities promote honesty, moral correctness, a love of history, and it’s a heck of a lot of fun!”

- David Chicoine

“Think about it, where else could you go and dress up like a cowboy or western movie actor, talk like you were from Wyoming, even though you grew up in Akron, enjoy your favorite sport (shooting!) and play the ham all at the same time without the slightest chance of being ridiculed?”

Go out there and try it, you’ll be glad you did!

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