Lake Park Raiders Last Blast! Thursday April 27,2017

The Last Blast of the Lake Park Raiders in Niles!
Thursday April 27, 2017
“We’ll be back- in the Fall!” – Flaky Jake in Silverado
Yep! Where ever there’s need of a posse of pistoleros to perforate a pastel of push-pinned, perfectly placed, printer paper—we’ll be there! That means “we’ll be back in the Phall!” er, I mean, “Fall!”
So long Lake Park Raiders – Howdy Shenango River Rats!
That’s exactly who showed up Thursday – the Shenango River Rats! Our Last Blast in Niles was a blast! We shot the Big X, the Josey Wales sweep, the Krazy Thom, the Fish Outta Da Barrel sweep, and the brand new Mohio sweep! We had Piano Tunas and Old Marlins, the Comanches had a new sign, and some targets were wearin’ red ‘staches! We actually had some targets “that didn’t need shootin!”
Everyone placed in the top eight. Swiftwater Jack got the First Place Poker chip and – get ready for this – Slow Mo came in Second Place! History was made today! Outta the basement and into the groove!
Our good friend Double D, Duelin’ Diehl, came in Third place and Shenango Joe was Clean and came in Fourth.
Missouri Jake came out to shoot with us today – first time all winter – he placed fifth. He looks good and was in a “goodly state of merriment!” He was saving his “big ammo” for the big steel down in Yankee Flats!
The Brunswick Kid ambled in with his Wyatt Earp Special; I believe that’s longer than his Walker! Reach out and touch some targets! HaHa! He ambled home in Sixth Place with the AwwSh*t poker chip – one away from a Clean match! AwwSh*t! That’s still a memorable memento for this last blast in Niles!
Another good cough was had by all! Hagen was shootin’ the black powder! There was fire, brimstone, sparks, and explosions! You could hear the electric fan motor start to pull down! There’s something fascinating about watching sparks come out of a gun barrel! No matter what I’m doing; I want to stop and watch the sparks! Hagen finished in the number seven slot and nothing caught fire! That’s good shootin'!
Rattlesnake Ruby came in Eighth. He was looking good and I think he was feelin’ good! Sunny springtime weather will do that to a person!
Congratulations to all our winners and participants!
We used our last “Rubber Ducky” award; it went to Swiftwater Jack, he also shot a clean match. We used all of Veddy Badman’s poker chip awards he made especially for the Lake Park Posse so we’ll have to order more for the fall.
Thank you to all who came out for our Last Blast match today and a big THANKS to all the Cowboy shooters that came to shoot with us this winter! Thank you for all your help, support and generosity that went toward making this work! We had a good indoor season, new friends, old friends, plenty of laughs, and hopefully plenty of good memories. We were also blessed with some fine, good weather which always helps.
Right now, in the spring, we shall move north with the Comanches, to the sleepy, little, woodland town of Yankee Flats. That’s the Cowboy Town set up in the woods at the Brookfield Conservation Club in Masury, Ohio. Here we will wreak havoc on the perfectly placed steel targets that are hangin’ around there! BANG! CLANG! There is “iron in my woods!” and iron in those targets! It will be good to hear the sweet sound of lead on steel! Sweetest sound this side of Yankee Run! Yep! A good CLANG! will be heard by all!
The address for the Brookfield Conservation Club is:
1953 Sharon – Hogue Road
Masury, Ohio 44438
Trumbull County
Shenango Joe: 330-782-0958 Cell: 330-719-5078
If you like to hang out where it’s shady, come visit the Shenango River Rats.
Our outdoor shooting matches will start in May, the second Saturday and the last Thursday of each month.
Hope to see you soon,
Slow Mo Dern
Cowboy Action Shooting is a wonderful sport and these activities promote honesty, moral correctness, a love of history, and it’s a heck of a lot of fun!”
- David Chicoine
“Think about it, where else could you go and dress up like a cowboy or western movie actor, talk like you were from Wyoming, even though you grew up in Akron, enjoy your favorite sport (shooting!) and play the ham all at the same time without the slightest chance of being ridiculed?”
Go out there and try it, you’ll be glad you did!