17th Annual Gun Raffle at Yankee Lake - Yankee Lake, Ohio

Trumbull County Federation of Sportsman’s Clubs
Annual 17th Gun Raffle 60 Plus Guns
Saturday, May 6th, 2017
at the Yankee Lake Ballroom, Yankee Lake, Ohio
Doors will be open at 9 am
The first gun drawn at 11 am and the last at 4 pm
A gun given away every 5 minutes.
One ticket makes you eligible for food and drink and one of 60 plus guns!
Food will be served from NOON to 3 PM
Donation $20 Get tickets at the door
All winners will be notified by mail or email
Proceeds benefit the TCFSC educational fund
All local, State, and Federal Laws apply
Must be 18 years of age to purchase a ticket
Must be 16 years of age to be admitted
Must be 21 years of age to consume beer
Due to Availability, a gun of equal value may be substituted
You must present your ticket to enter or receive food
You need not be present to win!
All firearms will be issued through Stocker’s Gun Shop