Shenango River Rats Outdoors! May 13, 2017

The Shenango River Rats Saturday May 13, 2017
What a beautiful day it was! The birds were chirping, the chipmunks were chipping, the bees were buzzing, and the rats were shooting! The River Rats that is!
17 seasoned and semi-seasoned sharp-eyed lead-slingers descended upon the sleepy little cowboy town in the woods, Yankee Flats, and proceeded to ring steel! The woods were alive with the sound of hot lead on steel! Bang! Clang! Ka-Booom! It was a wonderful day in the neighborhood!
It was just the right kind of day for the first outdoor match of the season! We shot 6 stages; there were flyin’ clay birds and a runnin’ elk that needed shootin’, falling bottles, a hotel full of nasty rats that needed terminatin’, Katy’s plate rack, and a Possum Skinner sweep! There was single tappin’, double tappin’, triple tappin’, a Guy Lombardo sweep, and the elk even tried to run away down the hill! A couple of burly cowboys had to put him back “on track”!
Pennsylvania’s Cannon Ball Paul came in First Place and Krazy Thom came in Second; Rowdy Red Tailor came in Third, Swiftwater Jack came in Fourth, and New York’s Low Plains Drifter came in Fifth.
Slow Mo missed only 2 and finished in the “lucky thirteen” spot. Gotta brush-up on that Lawman Style for next time! I’m a trifle rusty! HaHa!
Quick Hammer came out to shoot; Quick Hammer and his partner George. George didn’t shoot but Quick Hammer finished in Ninth Place. He said he would return to do it again!
Congratulations to all our winners and our participants!
The Brunswick Kid brought his twin Walkers, Hagen had his black powder, Hollywood Erdy brought his new audio enhanced, visibly pleasing, gun cart, very nice, Mo got a new hat, and Cannon Ball Paul was sporting a new cart as well!
Missouri Jake was a little bit under the weather that morning but came in later and helped keep score and add to the merriment. Thanks Jake!
Brookfield Dave created some culinary delights for lunch; we had BBQ Ham sandwiches and macaroni salad. Yum! A good lunch was had by all! Thanks Dave!
Wyatt N. Erdy wants to do another alias origin contest. It’s easy, just write a few or more lines on a piece of paper, explain how you got your alias, and read’em at next? month’s match where they’ll be evaluated by a panel of 2 gallant judges; winner gets a prize! Swiftwater Jack won the last contest at Niles. Be creative and make’em humorous and you’ll win for sure!
If anyone has a suggestion about anything – just make a note and drop it in the new suggestion box; your ideas are welcome. I’m looking at ideas for sweeps, props, stage lay-out, etc. Suggest what you want or would like to see. Pencil and paper are on the box. Write something and drop it in the slot!
A Big Brookfield Thank You to everyone for coming out and taking care of all those targets that needed shootin’! We did all right! I hope everyone had as much fun as I did! What a great bunch of people!
Thanks to everyone for all your help; everybody pitched in and everything went smooth, even the hiccups! Thanks to Shenango Joe for all the good door prizes!
Please keep the folks that couldn’t attend, for any reason, in your thoughts and let’em know we’re thinking of ‘em. Thank you.
Next match is Thursday May 25. It’s our Work Shirker Match, open class – shoot any style that suits ya! Shoot a different style on each stage or practice that Gunfighter style you’ve been itchin’ to try!
See you then,
Slow Mo Dern
Cowboy Action Shooting is a wonderful sport and these activities promote honesty, moral correctness, a love of history, and it’s a heck of a lot of fun!”
- David Chicoine
“Think about it, where else could you go and dress up like a cowboy or western movie actor, talk like you were from Wyoming, even though you grew up in Akron, enjoy your favorite sport (shooting!) and play the ham all at the same time without the slightest chance of being ridiculed?”
Go out there and try it, you’ll be glad you did!