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Saturday match at Brookfield! 6-10-17

The Sultans of Swat!

Well, that was fun!

We shot our June 10th Saturday match today and I didn’t see a sad face in the whole posse even though the flies were so thick I couldn’t see the targets! Woodchip mulch was put down and spread Friday and this might have made the flies come out but I have never seen flies so bad in the woods. Ol’ Flamin’ Hagen couldn’t even drive’em away with all his powerful fire an’ smoke and it did get smoky down there!

The good thing was, the flies stayed down in the woods and didn’t bother us while we were eating and at least they weren’t the ones that bite like a deer fly! Yikes!

16 shooters came out for some fly-fightin’ fun today and we shot 6 fly flyin’, fun-filled stages! We shot our usual clay birds at the “fort” – something I never get tired of – and then we got “progressive” with it! (sweep-wise, that is!)

“Swifty the Elk” was a mite temperamental on stage 2 but we managed to slog through the stage without too much grief. Coulda been worse!

“Look out! Curly Bill!” Curly Bill was picking up brass on stage 3 so we had to warn him there was hot lead comin’ his way! This was my little tribute to Powers Boothe, rest in peace. I love his Curly Bill character in the Tombstone movie.

Stage 4 was the Sixgun Seamus sweep, one rifle reload, bang a gong, and then on to the “rat hotel” to blast the rats that show up there at every match. I never tire of “rat shooting at the hotel” either. Guaranteed smiles! Lawman style!

We shot Miss Katie’s plate rack next and Elmo was on the roof with a sign on his hat to remind everyone to load only 9 rounds. There was a sign on the wall too – “9 Rounds with Jose, Cuervo!” Mo loaded 10 and received a Minor Safety violation! Rats!

The fast last stage was a 2-6-2 sweep, lotsa fun. This is where I got my second Minor Safety Violation! I had an empty case “stove pipe” on my 1873 rifle carrier and didn’t notice it until I picked up the gun to head for unloading table.

This was my first clean match in a long time but I couldn’t get a ribbon because of the MSV I received but I still got my blue ribbon for being first in my class and yes, there were other shooters in my class! Like I said, “lotsa fun and no complaints!”

Rowdy Red was the other Clean Shooter and our First Place Winner. He was “walkin’ on the mild side” today. He’s usually loaded with Pale Rider loads – KaBooom!! Congratulations Red!

Second Place went to our friend from New York, Low Plains Drifter! Congratulations LPD!

Lenny James got Third Place. Lenny is getting to be very fast! Congratulations Lenny! Congratulations to all our winners and participants!

After the match we met up at the club house for lunch. Brookfield Dave made chicken salad for sandwiches and baked beans and BBQ potato chips. A good lunch was had by all. Thanks Dave!

Thanks to Joe for providing us with big bottles of water today; it was a semi-hot one and those ice-cold, big bottles, helped out. Helped me out!

Thanks too for the nice door prizes! A fly-swatter might have made a good door-prize at this match!

Today we welcomed Duncan Disorderly, he runs the Beaver Valley Bushwhackers Club in Pennsylvania. He came out to throw some lead down-range with us. It’s always nice see new faces.

Ohio Silver came down to the Cowboy Range to visit us. He was sportin’ a cowboy hat and was walking! It’s good to see him starting to get around more and more.

I want to thank everyone for all your help and work this past week, working on the range and working at the match, for coming in early and helping with set-up, helping with equipment, and for helping during the match. We appreciate it all!

We are blessed with some truly dedicated people in the Shenango River Rats and at Brookfield and I consider us very lucky to be connected.

Keep all our friends that couldn’t be there in your thoughts. Some folks are dealing with a full plate right now, but we’re thinking of them.

Our next match will be the Work-Shirker Match on the last Thursday of the month. This month it falls on June 29th. It’s “open class”; you can shoot any style on any stage, try new and different things, no pressure, no lunch, no calories, no problemo. Donuts and coffee in the morning!

Every Thursday the club has trap shooting at 6:00 pm so if you want to stay in the neighborhood for a few hours, you can come back and bust some clay birds. Check out the Brookfield Conservation Club website at:

Thanks for coming and I hope you had as much fun as I did!

So long,

Slow Mo Dern

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Cowboy Action Shooting is a wonderful sport and these activities promote honesty, moral correctness, a love of history, and it’s a heck of a lot of fun!”

- David Chicoine

“Think about it, where else could you go and dress up like a cowboy or western movie actor, talk like you were from Wyoming, even though you grew up in Akron, enjoy your favorite sport (shooting!) and play the ham all at the same time without the slightest chance of being ridiculed?”

Go out there and try it, you’ll be glad you did!

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1953 Sharon Hogue Rd
Masury, Trumbull County 44438

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