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Saturday CAS at Brookfield! July 8, 2017

CAS at Brookfield, July 8, 2017, with the Shenango River Rats

Saturday morning, I was reminded of the old Gordon Lightfoot tune - “In the early morning rain, with some colored, corrugated cardboard Comanche feathers in my hand……achin’ in my heart and a pocket full of ….mud?” You know the rest…

After an early morning monsoon, the sun came out and made everything mo’ better throughout the land! There was even a rainbow! Somewhere….I think….

It got so sunny and warm, Rudolph the galloping elk ran outta gas an’ wouldn’t run no mo’ so we parked his carcass by the “triple trunked basswood tree” and shot’im that way! Still more tweaking required on this baby! It’s always more fun when he runs, you know, moving target an’ all….. I want to shoot’im with a pistol someday. That’ll be a blast! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! While he’s goin’ backwards! Ha!

Now, let’s shoot a match!

Seventeen sharp-shooters, duelists, shootists, soot lords, pistol fighters, Walker hoisters, and fashion conscious gun slingers came out to posse up under Mother Nature’s air conditioned canopy of old growth Ohio woodland and shoot 6 fun-filled, fast and furious scenarios right from the pages of the Old West’s fractured fairy tales!

We busted clay birds, shot a galloping elk, a stationary elk, saved Curly Bill and Daisy from marauding Comanches, engaged a flapper, did the Cha Cha, shot some plates – twice - traveled hard and fast, and did 3 versions of the Ohio sweep and cleared the hotel of the rodent population! How’s that for a day’s work! That’s a wrap! Time for lunch! Here we come, Davey Tree!

Roast beef and turkey sandwiches mysteriously appeared for lunch along with coffee and potato chips. Nothing like a roast beef sandwich with pepper rings, mustard, and Swiss cheese after a hard day of slingin’ lead! Yum!

After lunch it was ribbon time!

Rowdy Red came in First Place and Cheatin’ Charlie came in Second. Swiftwater Jack came in Third Place and New York’s own Low Plains Drifter came in Fourth.

Lenny James came in Fifth Place and Ol’ Slow Mo came in Eighth this time. That two-handed shooting seems to be working out!

Mo missed a clean match by 1 miss and won a Procedural on the first stage! Pretty bad when you get a “P” on a super-easy stage you wrote your-own-self! HaHa!

The Brunswick Kid shot another Clean Match and got another ribbon to add to his collection! I bet he’s running out of wall-space back at the ranch!

Lefty placed exactly in the middle of this match but we’re out of rubber duckies so he didn’t get one! I’m sorry, Lefty!

Lenny James and Smoke an’ Fire Hagen switched guns for a stage so Hagen could measure the length of fire coming out of his barrels! Lenny liked shooting BP so much he’s gettin’ the itch to dabble on the “dark side”! They say once you “go black powder, you never go back!”

Wyatt N. Erdy, Mr. B, (Western, that is), is gettin’ a handle on his home cartridge reloading so he’s real happy about that! He almost shot a clean match too! Way to go, Wyatt! He’s a happy man!

A big thank you goes out to everyone for all your hard work and help making this match a success and thanks for helping out with posse duties, equipment donations, and time donations. We do appreciate it!

Special thanks to the lovely ladies who helped pick up the brass and then sort it at the brass table! You’re the best!

A big thank you for the generous prize donations! We truly appreciate this also!

Please keep our good friends, who couldn’t be here, in your thoughts and prayers. Some folks have some “rough going” right now but we’re thinking of them!

Our next match is Thursday, July 27th, the last Thursday of July. That’s our Work Shirker Open Class Match where you can shoot any class you want, on any stage at any time. Come out and try something different!

Now it’s time to go to Dairy Queen! Lefty’s buyin’!

I hope to see you all next time,

All my best,

Slow Mo Dern

Cowboy Action Shooting is a wonderful sport and these activities promote honesty, moral correctness, a love of history, and it’s a heck of a lot of fun!”

- David Chicoine

“Think about it, where else could you go and dress up like a cowboy or western movie actor, talk like you were from Wyoming, even though you grew up in Akron, enjoy your favorite sport (shooting!) and play the ham all at the same time without the slightest chance of being ridiculed?”

Go out there and try it, you’ll be glad you did!

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1953 Sharon Hogue Rd
Masury, Trumbull County 44438

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