Saturday CAS at Brookfield! 8-12-17

Cowboy Action at the Brookfield Conservation Club on August 12, 2017
What a beautiful day to shoot a cowboy match down in the woods! Not too hot, not too humid, and there was even some slight breezes blowing through the trees if you were paying attention!
I was not, I was concentrating on my shooting! HaHa!
We got the two-posse party started with some flying birds, running elks, big square targets, too-small shotgun targets, too-small rifle targets, too-small pistol targets, and our own too small plate rack, er…. saucer rack! A good time was had by all – especially me! I love those little targets!
We saved Buffalo Bill and Annie Oakley from the masked bandits and Ham- burglars, and saved Elmo from the Black Foot tribe; they were gonna burn’im at the stake as soon it quit raining and the wood dried! When we found him, he was all red and his eyes were really big! They lifted his hair! Poor guy!
We negotiated a badly written “P trap” stage, made a bad hombre dance and of course, cleaned out the Nido de Ratas hotel! Some pards did it Lawman style!
We put our new knock-down, optional, across-the-creek, 5 second bonus, target into play for the first time today! I think I was the only one who shot at it! It goes down but ya gotta hit it! Oh, well! I hit the bonus but earned 3 misses on that stage. Doh!
Jeez! I’m Hongry! It’s bean time!
Kat had a good lunch for us up at the club house! We dined on pulled-pork sandwiches, potato chips, pasta-salad, peanut butter cookies, and CocaCola! Yum! Pass the plastic phorks, please! Purrfect!
She’s going to provide lunch for all our future Saturday matches! Thanks, Kat!
23 shooters came out to sling lead today and the match was won by Sixguns Smith, our old friend from Pennsylvania.
Congratulations, Sixguns!
Give that man another sandwich! He’s earned it!
Lenny James came in second and bless’im, he replenished our rubber ducky supply! Thanks, Lenny!
Rowdy Red got third place and Pennsylvania’s Lawless Lorin got the fourth spot.
These 2 gents helped so much at this match and I can’t thank them enough. Thanks guys!
Shenango Joe won fifth place. He was our only clean shooter but earned two P’s! He should get an AwwSh**t! ribbon but we don’t have any! AwwSh**t!
I try to write the P’s out of the stage scenarios but it doesn’t always work! Congratulations anyway, Joe! You were shootin’ good!
Lawless Lorin shoots Gunfighter style and is very good! He and his daughter, Eitchie Bit, came out to shoot with us and his little grand-daughter helped us pick up brass! She quit when she heard the pay-scale. She won’t work for Dentine!
Pennsylvania’s Cannonball Paul came over with Sixguns Smith; it was good to see them!
Bobtown Cooter and his lovely wife came up to shoot too! It’s always good to see these folks; we like a good sense of humor!
Quick Hammer finally got a chance to shoot a match so he took it! Always good to see him!
Veddy Badman and his lovely wife, Suety Hawk, came out to shoot, say hello, and have a good time. They left early because of work. It was good seeing them again but I would have liked to visit with them more.
Suety Hawk has eyes like a hawk! She was there 5 minutes and already found a pound of brass in the grass! She’s amazing!
Thanks to everyone who came out and thank you for all your help and expertise! People really stepped up to pitch in and help with set-up and take-down, equipment loans, timer duties, posse duties, and thanks for all your help making our new shooters feel welcome.
We had many new folks here today, some were first-time shooters, and I think they went home feeling pretty good and had a positive experience, at least I hope so; I hope we see them back.
The Brunswick Kid tried his hand at Gunfighter style today and won himself a first place blue ribbon! He was shootin’ just like Josey Wales! Hellloo! Mister Wilson! He was the man of many calibers today! Way to go!
Many of our shooting friends couldn’t attend the match today for various reasons but let’s keep them in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you.
Our friend Lawman has passed away. I read this on the SASS wire tonight. Prayers up for his wife and family. He’s the man who turned me on to Lawman Style shotgun shooting years ago. When you hear someone say, “shoot it Lawman style”, that means shooting your shotgun from the hip. Rest in Peace, Lawman.
He used a ’97 Winchester. It was probably a real Winchester from 1897!
Our next match at Brookfield is the Last Thursday of the Month Work Shirker Open Class Match. It’s on August 31st, 2017.
Yes, you can shoot any style, anytime, anyhow! Try your hand at something new! Try duelist or double duelist or even give Gunfighter a try! You might be the next Waco Kid!
I’m being drawn to the Outlaw style of sixgun shooting myself! Right now, I shoot the style sometimes referred to as Miami Vice! Except for the shotgun! HaHa!
Visitors and guests are always welcome. Please bring safety glasses and ear plugs!
See you next time,
Slow Mo Dern
Cowboy Action Shooting is a wonderful sport and these activities promote honesty, moral correctness, a love of history, and it’s a heck of a lot of fun!”
- David Chicoine
“Think about it, where else could you go and dress up like a cowboy or western movie actor, talk like you were from Wyoming, even though you grew up in Akron, enjoy your favorite sport (shooting!) and play the ham all at the same time without the slightest chance of being ridiculed?”
Go out there and try it, you’ll be glad you did!