It's Margarita time!

"All right, Mo! Let's do it!"
"Ah'm yo huckleberry!" That's just my drink!
At least in the summer-time! When it's hot! Speaking of hot! Ever see Caddy - Shack?
"Hey! Ringo! Play something hot!"
Here's how to make a dern good Margarita!
1 Part Fresh squeezed lime juice
1 Part Jose' Cuervo Especial Silver Tequila
1/4 Part Triple Sec
1/4 Part Madhava's Light Agave syrup (sweetener)
The easiest way to do it is to add all these ingredients into a big measuring cup and stir it up good!
Pour it into a pitcher with a bunch of ice and stick it in the fridge! unless you're going to drink it right away!
Here are some helpful hints:
Wash the limes before you cut and squeeze them! They might have orchard chemicals on them.
The little Mexican limes are very juicy. Invest in a good lime/orange squeezer.
Strain the lime juice; get most of the pulp out. It's better for your guests. Some folks just don't like "pulp!"
You never know how sour the limes are going to be so instead of adding more sweetener - cut the mixture with small amounts of a good quality, bottled, chlorine-free water - or just let the ice in it melt.
You can use a half and half mixture of Silver and Gold Tequila! It's Ok! If you use all Gold, you'll have a "muddier-looking" pitcher of Margaritas. I usually go half and half.
Agave syrup is sold at the grocery store. It comes in a plastic squeeze bottle. It is very sweet.
If you want to be "classy" and have little slices of lime floating in your Margaritas; cut the peel off first. Unpeeled lime slices will turn the Margaritas bitter especially if they're left in the mixture in the 'fridge over-night!
Don't use expensive Tequila to make Margaritas, it's not necessary. Use good, inexpensive Tequila. After the first one or two, no one will care how much the Tequila costs.
Making Margaritas is something every male American citizen should know. Your refreshment-making services will always be in demand and you will be quite popular on the patio, especially in the summertime!
See you next time, well, bye,
Slow Mo Dern