River Rats Really Rode! August 31, 2017

"Yeah, but you said.............."
River Rats trying to figure out Mo's stage description! Notice the "hangin' tree" in the background!
Hmmm.......I don't see a rope.......whew!
CAS at Brookfield on August 31, 2017
Now, you’ve no doubt heard of the Hateful Eight, but I want to tell you about the Happy Nine!
Nine happy shooters came out to the Brookfield Conservation Club to attend the Last Thursday of the Month Work Shirker Open Class Match hosted by The Shenango River Rats!
We were happy because it was Good Shootin’ Weather!
It was warm with no rain and there was a nice breeze blowin’ through the trees with no rain and the sun peeked out now and then and made everything warmer with no rain and it didn’t rain! I was happy as a clam!
Billy Badazz was our top shooter! Big congratulations to him, he has amazing speed!
Second place went to Swiftwater Jack and Slow Mo came in third place! (timer malfunction?) Congratulations to all our winners!
I was shooting my new-to-me style which I call the Mattie Ross method!
“Better cock yer’ piece, all the way back, ‘til it locks!” HaHa! Bang! Clang! It’s a hit, Tom Chaney!
Swiftwater Jack and Slow Mo with his foggy shooting glasses shot the match clean. Duelin’ Diehl missed a clean match by one! Sorry, John, AwwSh**t! We need award ribbons!
Duelin’ Diehl was nice enough to let us use his trailer as the shuttle bus this Thursday. Thanks, John!
Blazin’ Cane (sorry, spelling), Shenango River Rat regular, came out to shoot and this was his first out-door match for the year! Welcome back, Josh!
Work shirker Wyatt N. Erdy, our B-Western aficionado, joined us; he’s getting better and better. He finished in the top nine!
We shot 6 fun stages today; everything was “goin’ down!” The birds at the fort were goin’ down and the elk was goin’ down as were the hotel rats and the tiny saucers on the plate rack! There was the sheriff’s posse to mow down mercilessly before mercilessly shooting our own south-bound stagecoach robbing gang. We even shot the lock from the strong box!
There were hard sweeps and easy sweeps, long range bonuses and short range bonuses, big targets and little targets, and even an Indiana sweep with a tip of the fedora to Dr. Jones! “It would hafta’ be a snake!”
I’m happy to say, I heard no complaints about the scenarios and I heard no talk of tree limbs and stout ropes – which is always a good thing if one chooses to write stages and scenarios for a hobby or for a posse!
Thank you for coming and thank you for all your help and participation.
Thanks to Curly, Hagen, and the Brunswick Kid for setting up, painting targets, and getting this match ready.
Please keep our pards and partners who couldn’t attend, in your thoughts and prayers and please say some prayers for the folks in the hurricane areas. Thank you.
Our next match is on September 9th, 2017.
We’ll have more birds, bells, and beasts, to shoot. Dinnerware to go down, bad hombres to go down, good, bad, and ugly targets to go down, damsels to save, and there might be an appearance of the Emoji gang! They’re goin’ down too! An’ I hear they’re all yella’!
If you have any ideas, demands, complaints, or some good ideas for sweeps or scenarios you want to see put into play, let me know. I always look for exciting new ways to shoot - within reason. I use the SASS Match Director Handbook as a guideline and try to make a match everyone can enjoy.
I hope you all enjoyed this one! I can’t believe fall is just around the corner. It’s almost time to start blowing leaves again!
See you next time and have a safe holiday weekend!
All my best,
Slow Mo Dern
Cowboy Action Shooting is a wonderful sport and these activities promote honesty, moral correctness, a love of history, and it’s a heck of a lot of fun!”
- David Chicoine
“Think about it, where else could you go and dress up like a cowboy or western movie actor, talk like you were from Wyoming, even though you grew up in Akron, enjoy your favorite sport (shooting!) and play the ham all at the same time without the slightest chance of being ridiculed?”
Go out there and try it, you’ll be glad you did!