Sept. 9, 2017! Yankee Flats!

"You tell'em I'm comin' an' Mo's comin' with me!"
" Now, where's them yella' Jackets!"
(better cock yer piece, Will...)
CAS at Brookfield, Ohio. September 9th, 2017
A big thanks to everyone who came out to shoot, laugh at some stale jokes, make up some new jokes, sling lead, sling other stuff, and to generally have a good time!
I finished off the day in style sampling various red wines from all around the world! A good time was had by all!
I think Margarita season is over! It’s over, but I still have a bag of limes from south of the border to use up. One season that’s not over is shooting season!
The Shenango River Rats welcomed in the month with the first CAS match of September! The little town of Yankee Flats was set upon by the Emoji clan-they just showed up!- but we took care of them along with some fun sweeps and the usual flying birds, the pet elk, brass-picking Dorothy Malone, and Guy Lombardo.
We had some exciting bonuses, a too-interesting saucer-rack sweep (never again!), some “target practice”, a long range emoji bonus, (congratulations Wyatt!), and a contest of the bravest, toughest, fastest movers when a yellow jacket nest was activated in the Nido de Ratas hotel! So much for good ol’ country wisdom! Ha!
On a positive note; the Elk worked flawlessly, the trap machine worked like a charm, the Ford didn’t die although it was trying to, Duelin’ Deal revived it, and everything ran as smooth as a well-oiled pocket watch from Thom Duma!
Saturday Bean Time! Lunch is always at the end of the match and the always energetic Kat rode in solo with her famous Sloppy Joe lunch, with chips, and pickles. Yum! Thanks Kat! A good lunch was had by all!
We all finished in the top ten and here’s the run-down; Hey You! changed his alias to Joe Cap. He was last but he was happy! He was sportin’ new holsters! We now have two Joes! The one Joe an' t'other Joe!
Hawk-eyed Suety Hawk was number 9. She’s an absolute joy to shoot with! You can always tell when she’s around-there’s no brass left on the ground! HaHa!
Eighth place went to Wyatt N. Erdy, the B-Western dynamo! It was his one year anniversary of shooting Cowboy and he shot this match clean and smooth! He even hit the long range knock-down emoji target across the creek for a 5 second bonus. He was feelin’ good and shootin' good! Congratulations, Wyatt!
Slow Mo came in seventh place and I had to really work for that. “Must be those cheap shells I’m using!” I almost ran out of shotshells in my favorite hotel! That’s bad shooting!
Duelin’ Diehl finished in sixth place. Congratulations, DD! He rescued the Ford from having a stroke during it's geographical transition and he’s our “shuttle bus” driver! He also shot this Saturday match clean and smooth! Give that man a couple ribbons!
Flat Iron Mike was one of our score keepers and did a fine job. He also did a fine job shooting Duelist and got fifth place! Salute, Mike!
Hagen handled all the black powder duties today and earned the fourth place spot. He has amazing energy!
Veddy Badman came in third place. It was good to see him up and around again. He’s always fun to shoot with and hopefully we’ll be seeing more of him and Suety Hawk! He was sportin’ his new RO pins, they finally got here!
King of the country wisdom, Low Plains Drifter, won the second place spot. His wisdom and energy know no boundaries! Congratulations, LPD!
Swiftwater Jack was our big match winner! A big Yankee Flats congratulations to him! YeeHaww!
Congratulations to all our winners and participants!
Thanks to Missouri Jake for bringing in his trailer for us to use and for bringing in the CAS match signs so we didn’t have to go fetch’em at the end of the day!
Thanks to everyone who helped set-up, take-down, and make this match a success!
Our next match is September 28th, 2017.
It’s our Work Shirker Open Class Match!
Look for 6 furious stages of fast, frantic, fun! We’ll shoot some birds, shoot more shots on our travelin’ elk, more brass picking by famous people we’ll have to rescue, “super-simple saucers on the plate rack” sweeps, the Bad Hombre sweep, and we’ll have to clean out the Rat Hotel! That’s always a hoot! Maybe we’ll shoot a hoot sweep! I hope to see ya!
Please keep all our friends, who couldn’t attend, in your thoughts and prayers and remember to say some words for all the folks in harm’s way in the hurricane areas.
Please remember all our troops throughout the world and keep them in your thoughts. Thank you.
Next match is at the Brookfield Conservation Club on Thursday September 28th, 2017.
Visitors at our cowboy matches are always welcome.
Please bring shooting glasses or safety glasses and ear plugs or ear muffs.
See you soon,
Slow Mo Dern
Cowboy Action Shooting is a wonderful sport and these activities promote honesty, moral correctness, a love of history, and it’s a heck of a lot of fun!”
- David Chicoine
“Think about it, where else could you go and dress up like a cowboy or western movie actor, talk like you were from Wyoming, even though you grew up in Akron, enjoy your favorite sport (shooting!) and play the ham all at the same time without the slightest chance of being ridiculed?”
Go out there and try it, you’ll be glad you did!