CAS at Brookfield! Sept. 28, 2017

A "duelist" style cowboy shooter takes aim at a low flyin' yellow jacket down at Yankee Flats cowboy range!
CAS at Brookfield Tri-District Conservation Club September 28, 2017
No bee was safe today down in Yankee Flats Cowboy range! Talk about having some fun in a Bee-Western! A good time was had by all!
A tight-knit swarm of Old West aficionados made a bee-line to the Brookfield Conservation Club this Thursday to ring some steel, meet some new friends, see some old friends, see some young friends, and have a super-good time shooting hot lead at targets painted to resemble our good friends, the BEES! Bang! Clang! We got’em all, Mister Sieber!
Everybody knows the best way to shoot bees is with a Bee Bee gun but today we’re going to use pistols, rifles, and shotguns! Low Plains Drifter would bee proud!
Let’er Buzz! We started out easy at the fort, shootin’ the birds - we’re getting’ pretty good at this – and shootin’ the steel! The trap machine was workin’ fine!
Next, we shot the running elk and a really big “B”, rang some bells and shot some diamonds! We then saved brass pickin’ Calamity Jane, from a hostile yellow jacket swarm and even picked up a bonus! “Look out, Calamity!”
Stage 4 was entitled Hoot Hive Jive and all the hotel rats were sporting yellow and black paint; they all looked like yellow Jackets! We mowed ‘em all down!
“No more buzzin’, cousin!” Ha! There was even a big wooden keg of Sting-Eze, the mother of all balms, settin’ there - just in case!
We wrapped up the match with a Double Tap Nevada sweep on stage 5, using our new, red-colored, mercantile façade with the open doorway and the 2 big windows! It really works well - plenty of visibility and spaciousness which allows for some limited movement without wearing a feller out.
The last stage was the good ol’ plate rack with all the small saucers painted up like mad, buzzing bees! It looked like a BP Station!
I was working on a clean match ‘til I met up with the plate rack! I just had to shoot it Outlaw style! There went my clean match! Oh, well! There’s always next time!
What? No ribbons? AwwwS**t!
This stage was wrapped up with a Hermit Joe sweep and a yellow jacket chicken extermination with 2 smokin’ barrels dished up Lawman style! KaBoom! KaBoom!
“That was funny, honey!” Now it’s time for ribbons, scores, and Mo’s thermos bottle coffee!
Our good friend, Veddy Badman, came in first place! Congratulations, Veddy!
Master engineer and mercantile façade builder,Swiftwater Jack, came in second place with Krazy Thom coming in crazy third!
Sixgun Seamus, our good friend from Brown Township, came in fourth.
Shenango Joe, freshly back from the Kentucky Bourbon Trail, came in a fifth!
The master of fire and smoke, Hagen, won the sixth place spot!
Slow Mo, lucky 7, came in seventh place. Can’t go wrong with my lucky number!
The Brunswick Kid, our current Gunfighter extraordinaire, was eighth place.
Jocko, the soot lord from Connecticut, came in ninth place. He was passing through and saw us listed on the SASS Wire so he stopped in for a visit!
Saving the best for last, Suety Hawk, won the tenth place spot. She has the sharpest eyes I’ve ever seen! Just the thing for shootin’ bees!
Congratulations to all our winners and participants! (clapping sounds!)
The only clean match score today was Shenango Joe! Congratulations, Joe! Give that man a ribbon!
I want to express my thanks to everyone who helped make this Thursday Work Shirker Match a success. Thanks to all our club members who came in to help out.
Special thanks to Curly who helped at the unloading tables, sign-up, and did various other tasks. Wednesday, he was down on the range blowing leaves and painting targets! Thanks, Curly!
Special thanks to Missouri Jake for keeping score, driving the stage coach, sign-up, and allowing us the use of his trailer. He was also in Wednesday helping set up. Thanks, Jake!
Thanks to everyone for helping this match run as smooth as my Thom Duma pocket watch! They just get better and better!
Please keep our friends who couldn’t be here in your thoughts and give some good thoughts and prayers to all the folks in the storm areas.
Our next Cowboy Action Match will be on Saturday October 14, 2017.
The gate opens about 8:30 am and the shooting will start around 10 am.
after a brief safety meeting.
Visitors are always welcome. Be sure to bring your eye and ear protection!
We’ll shoot 6 fast and furious stages of fun-filled fantasy!
I hope to see you there!
All my best,
Slow Mo Dern
Cowboy Action Shooting is a wonderful sport and these activities promote honesty, moral correctness, a love of history, and it’s a heck of a lot of fun!”
- David Chicoine
“Think about it, where else could you go and dress up like a cowboy or western movie actor, talk like you were from Wyoming, even though you grew up in Akron, enjoy your favorite sport (shooting!) and play the ham all at the same time without the slightest chance of being ridiculed?”
Go out there and try it, you’ll be glad you did!