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CAS at Brookfield October 14, 2017

"Is that Mo shootin' the plate rack with the Brunswick

Kid's guns??"

It's gotta be, he's shootin' Outlaw style!

"How many plates are still up?"

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Cowboy Action at Brookfield with the Shenango River Rats

Well, howdy! The frost’s not on the pumpkins yet! Not in this part of the world nor down in the sleepy little cowboy town of Yankee Flats, where the coffee is strong, all the shooters are good-looking, and all the scores are above average!

It was sunny and hot at Brookfield Saturday. A whole bunch of shooters came out for some much needed rest and relaxation under the old growth canopy of the north eastern Ohio hardwoods….‘cept most of the canopy was on the ground already!

About 20 or 21 shooters shot 5 fun-filled stages – we were going to shoot 6 stages but fell behind and drifted off schedule. Kat had lunch scheduled for a certain time so we had to get a move on. I am truly sorry about this, I know I promised 6 but I have a good excuse! Ask me later!

Joe wanted to hurry so he asked me if I had any fast dump stages planned.

“Hey, Mo! Do you have any fast dump stages?” said Joe.

“No.” Mo replied.

Then, as if by magic, the Stage 2 running elk quit working! Presto! Instant dump target! I swear, it was Divine Intervention!

We dumped rounds on the elk and the big Hit Me target, shot a pistol sweep, blasted some diamonds, saved Lori-Darlin’ from Blue Duck’s gang, wasted some shots on the bogus bonus, except for eagle-eyed Suety Hawk (who hit that long range piece of steel dead-on) and then it was on to the Rat Hotel where we obliterated the rat population! We were still running late!

The last stage was the infamous plate rack at Miss Katie’s (with the small plates), where any adventurous soul can shoot 5 plates Outlaw style! Hey, 10 rounds to knock down 5 plates! Who can pass that up! It’s a win-win!

After shooting the Mr. X sweep and the free-range chickens, it was time for hamburgers, chips, baked beans, and coffee! Yum! Jump on the wagon!

“Where’d those horns come from?”

“A Texas Longhorn….” I couldn’t help myself! Sorry, Joe!

Our excellent lunch (thanks Kat!) was followed by awards, scores, ribbons, and door prizes! Here’s the run-down!

First place, Cheatin’ Charlie! Congratulations, Charlie!

Elder Statesman, Swiftwater Jack, came in second with famous Sixgun Seamus coming in third.

Fourth place went to Brookfield’s own Veddy Badman.

Fifth place went to gunfighter, Loquacious Loner, and the master duelist, La Porte Lefty, came in sixth.

Another duelist, New York’s Low Plains Drifter won the lucky seventh spot and Shenango Joe won the eighth place spot.

Slow Mo finished ninth, go figure! Must have been that Divine Intervention again!

Tenth place went to senior gunfighter, Laramie Leadslinger and that’s our top ten for today! Yahooo!

The clean shooters were Cheatin’ Charlie, Swiftwater Jack, and Sixgun Seamus. Congratulations to all our winners and participants! Yay!!

A big thank you to everyone who came out to shoot and to help and to make this crazy shootin’ match a success!

I hope everyone enjoyed themselves even though we only shot 5 stages. Maybe we’ll shoot 7 next time to make up for it! …Or not!

Thank you for making my stepdaughter, Speedy Eedie, feel welcome and thanks for all your help with offers of ammo, advice, direction, coaching, and making her feel right at home. She had a good time and wants to come back for more! She shot 2 clean stages! YeeHaaa!

Please keep all our friends, who couldn’t attend, in your thoughts and say some good words for the folks “under the weather”. Let’em know we’re thinking of them. Amen.

Our next match is Thursday, October 26, 2017. It’s the Last Thursday of the Month Work Shirker Open Class Cowboy Match. We’ll have the usual fare, some unusual fare, some fair fare and probably some unfair fare! One thing for sure, we’ll have a lot of “dump” targets. Bang! Bang! BangBangBang!

That oughta keep things moving!

This will be our last outdoor match at Brookfield Tri-District Conservation Club and the sleepy little town of Yankee Flats where all the coffee is strong, the shooters are good-looking, and all the scores are above average!

We’ll start shooting at the Western Reserve Fish and Game Association in Niles, Ohio in the month of November.

Hope to see you at our next match, all my best,

Slow Mo Dern

Visitors are always welcome. Bring your safety glasses and hearing protection!

Cowboy Action Shooting is a wonderful sport and these activities promote honesty, moral correctness, a love of history, and it’s a heck of a lot of fun!”

- David Chicoine

“Think about it, where else could you go and dress up like a cowboy or western movie actor, talk like you were from Wyoming, even though you grew up in Akron, enjoy your favorite sport (shooting!) and play the ham all at the same time without the slightest chance of being ridiculed?”

Go out there and try it, you’ll be glad you did!

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Masury, Trumbull County 44438

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