CAS in Niles, Ohio December 9, 2017

"Now you look at this dude real close! Doesn't he look like Sean Connery?"
"Geez! Those saddle bags are awful small......"
"Yeah, an' what's with the black hat....."
"He looks more like he's stealin' the toys!"
Indoor CAS in Niles, Ohio Dec. 9, 2017
Thank you for coming out to shoot with the Lake Park Raiders!
We had a real good time perforatin’ perfectly pinned paper pages down at the phish and game club!
First Place went to Billy Badazz! Congratulations, Billy B!
I almost caught up with Sixgun Seamus this time!
Thanks to everyone who helped make our indoor match a success!
Merry Christmas to all and I wish you all the best through this Holiday Season!
The day started off frightfully cold but the weather inside the Western Reserve Fish and Gamer club was delightful! Delights were on, de furnace was on, de coffee was on, and de donuts were de-licious!
De Brunswick Kid, Hagen, Duelin’ Diehl, Missouri Jake, and Shenango Joe were already setting up the cardboard and tables, drinking coffee, and getting ready for a fun-filled Christmas Season Cowboy match full of holiday hilarity!
“Welcome, Sky-Rider! You be Ten Deers?” said the famous Comanche leader!
Fifteen shooters came out to blast away at the Krazy Thom sweep disguised as the “Sign of the Comanche!” sweep and Mo’s disastrous “Christmas in Nevada!” We also shot Lenny James’ “Christmas Tree with a Re-load!” sweep.
Also shot was the Brunswick Kid’s “Dash Away in Santa’s Sleigh!” with Rudolph’s Red Nose 5 second bonus, and the good ol’ “Candy Cane!”
Here are the scores:
1. Billy Badazz 104.09
2. Straight Stock 151.66
3. Sixgun Seamus 166.03
4. Hooligan Howes 174.82
5. Slow Mo Dern 200.23
6. Hagen 206.37
7. Duelin’ Diehl 213.11
8. N.A. Custer 228.52
9. Flat Iron Mike 255.23
10. Laramie Leadslinger 257.34
11. Krazy Thom 260.65
12. Cayenne Kay 262.28
13. Brunswick Kid 292.01
14. Shotgun 354.95
15. Wyatt N. Erdy 362.70
Congratulations to Billy Badazz, our First Place winner and only clean shooter of the match! He won the sheriff star to pin on his best lawdog vest! Thanks for the stars, Wyatt!
Pennsylvania’s Straight Stock came in Second and missed a clean match by one! AwwSh**t! Hopefully we’ll see him again; he said he had a good time. He’s a good shooter!
Sixgun Seamus didn’t disappoint and won Third place. Thanks to Seamus for all his help during the match and bringing fresh jokes and other holiday comic relief! He was sportin’ his new Christmas watch!
Mo came in fifth, missed his clean match by only 3, hit the Rudolph Nose bonus with a pre-mature discharge, and never lost his place once! Will Christmas wonders never cease! HaHa!
Lenny James dropped in to say Howdy! He and the missus were taking a break from Christmas shopping and dropped by to say hello. He’s looking good! He’s wants Santa to bring him something to shoot that nasty black powder with! KaBoooom!
We had new shooter, Shotgun, shoot with us today. He’s had that nickname ever since he was a little tiny baby, now it’s his alias. Shotgun, welcome to the fun!
Speaking of shotguns, Wyatt was sporting a new side by side coach gun! I know it was new ‘cause it still had the price tag hangin’ from the trigger guard! Now he’s ready for Lawman style! HoHo!
Big Christmas thanks go to everyone who came to shoot and have some holiday fun. Thank you for all the help with set-up, take-down, posse duties, and comic relief.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all your kind words said to me about the scenarios, humor, advice, and various other topics.
Thanks to Jake and Joe for coming in and helping with organizing and scoring and thanks to Scorekeeper Barb for helping get us modernized.
Please keep all our friends, who are having some challenging times, in your thoughts and prayers and remember to think of the men and women in our armed forces who are far and away doing a pretty tough job so we can enjoy life at home. Thank you.
Our next match will be after Christmas on Thursday December 28th, so come out and shoot all your new Christmas presents! We’ll have some more exciting scenarios straight from the pages of Mo’s Fractured Frontier Fantasy Fables!
Look for the Guy Lombardo sweep and the Christmas Tree on the Curb sweep, maybe the Tee-Pee sweep or the Seamus sweep. Whatever it is, it might be fun!
See you next time,
Slow Mo Dern
Visitors are always welcome but bring your eye and ear protection!
Cowboy Action Shooting is a wonderful sport and these activities promote honesty, moral correctness, a love of history, and it’s a heck of a lot of fun!”
- David Chicoine
“Think about it, where else could you go and dress up like a cowboy or western movie actor, talk like you were from Wyoming, even though you grew up in Akron, enjoy your favorite sport (shooting!) and play the ham all at the same time without the slightest chance of being ridiculed?”
Go out there and try it, you’ll be glad you did!