Lake Park Raiders Ride! Dec. 28, 2017 -- CAS in Niles, Ohio

Shotgun Dude sez: "I cain't believe ah missed them shotgun targets!"
I'll betcha he's shootin' over at Niles!
The Lake Park Raiders Ride!
December 28, 2017
It was the match after Christmas and too cold to snow;
All the shooters were shooting, even Shenango Joe!
The targets were hung on the cardboard with care;
With hopes that the Springtime was soon to get there!
It’s time to go way out west! Way out west of the Atlantic Ocean, over to the sleepy, little town of Niles, Ohio. Come on over, partner! There’s a whole lotta shootin’ goin’ on!
The morning was colder than the frost on a champagne glass! Colder than the ice in Cheyenne Culpepper’s windshield washer fluid! Colder than a bucket of penguin ……well, it was cold!
Thirteen shooters came out to do it in the semi-warmth of the Western Reserve Fish and Gamer Club over on West Third Street.
We shot the post-Christmas Christmas Tree Out at the Curb scenario and the Guy Lombardo sweep, the Big X and the Tee-Pee sweep, and the Sixgun Seamus sweep! No Krazy Thom sweep with the silent “H” today but it’ll turn up in January again! You can be sure of that!
Everyone finished in the top thirteen! Here are the winners:
1. Cheyenne Culpepper ... 129.59
2. Cheatin’ Charlie .... 153.96
3. Sixgun Seamus ... 158.02
4. N.A. Custer ...167.13
5. Slow Mo Dern ... 206.14
6. Hagen ... 217.63
7. Duelin’ Diehl ... 220.63
8. Shenango Joe .... 231.65
9. Krazy Thom .... 234.88
10. Brunswick Kid .... 254.66
11. Jonathan Arnold .. 276.21
12. Curly ...180.86 DNF
13. T.J. Law Dog ...185.28 DNF
Congratulations to all our winners! Thank you for coming! A good time was had by all!
Nobody shot a clean match today! The Brunswick Kid missed it by one! Again! AwwSh**t! Close but no cigar! No poker chip either!
New shooter, Jonathan Arnold, only had 2 misses! That’s pretty good too!
Mo was fifth place with only 6 misses! Time to take a serious look at those sights! I coulda’ been a contender! HaHa!
New shooter, T.J. Law Dog came to watch us this morning and Seamus fixed him up with hardware and projectiles and made him engage some surly copy paper scenarios. T.J. finished 3 scenarios before he had to leave but he left smiling and swore he’d return! I think we have another satisfied customer thanks to Seamus!
Shenango Joe was back shooting with us today. Welcome back, Joe!
Ohio Silver came in to help, offer assistance and good humor. He’ll be back shooting with us one of these days…soon as he’s feeling better. Thanks for the help, Jerry!
Thanks to my wife, Barb, for helping us with scoring. We’re trying to set things up so we can keep score outside next summer.
Thank you to the whole posse for all your help; the match ran smooth like a $26 solid gold watch with jewels in it!
Big thanks to Bobtown Cooter for sending us copy paper and books! You’re a good man!
Please keep all the folks and friends, who couldn’t be with us, in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you.
Our next match is Saturday January 13, 2018. We’ll start January off with a Bang!
We’ll do the Krazy Thom sweep again and the Tall T and maybe the Ohio sweep or the MoHo sweep and maybe we’ll do the Culpepper sweep with a bonus! That’ll be fun! Maybe we’ll do that scenario where you dump a buncha’ rounds on the 4 bad hombres! I can’t wait!
Visitors are always welcome! Bring your safety glasses and hearing protection!
See you soon and have a Very Happy and Safe New Year!
All my best,
Slow Mo Dern
Cowboy Action Shooting is a wonderful sport and these activities promote honesty, moral correctness, a love of history, and it’s a heck of a lot of fun!”
- David Chicoine
“Think about it, where else could you go and dress up like a cowboy or western movie actor, talk like you were from Wyoming, even though you grew up in Akron, enjoy your favorite sport (shooting!) and play the ham all at the same time without the slightest chance of being ridiculed?”
Go out there and try it, you’ll be glad you did!