CAS in Niles, Ohio Feb. 10, 2018

"Vendetta Ride? I thought we were goin' to Niles to shoot surly copy paper!"
Saturday February 10, 2018
CAS in Niles, Ohio
It was a good day for an indoor Cowboy match in Niles, Ohio! Everybody was in a goodly state of merriment and we arrived that way! We didn’t have to work up to it, we were already there!
It was nice and cozy and warm inside, even with the fan on.
A wild bunch of cowboys and cowgirls, 18 in all, rode into the romantic little town to partake in the first CAS match of February and seriously perforate another ream of surly copy paper hangin’ on the downrange wall of the Western Reserve Fish and Gamer Club!
The competition was fierce and we were all competing for a handsome, home-made First Place belt buckle-ribbin’ combination made by Mo hisself! Quite a trophy in some circles! HaHa!
We shot the Lake Park Raider stage and the Ohio Sweep, the Big P and the Big Time Dump scenario, and of course, the Krooked Krazy Thom sweep! That “H” is still silent!
Lenny James came out to sling lead with a “big iron” on his brand new hip. He hasn’t been out for 6 months and came in 6th place overall! That’s pretty dern good shootin’ if you ask me! He’s itchin’ to wander over to the “dark side” sometime soon! KaBoom!! Welcome back, Lenny!
Muzzle Flash and Hartless Hanna came out too! We haven’t seen these nice folks in about 6 months either and it was nice talking with them again. They came with their sense of humor intact and they’re always welcome so I hope they’ll return and not be strangers.
La Porte Lefty and Mrs. Lefty came out to Niles for the first time and “got a kick” out of Shenango Joe’s shotgun shells, pun intended! I like La Porte Lefty, he always looks like he’s havin’ a good day!
Let’s break for a short commercial:
The Brookfield Club and the Lake Park Raiders Club in the winter months are two of the best clubs to learn cowboy shooting. The people are friendly and patient, they are knowledgeable with firearms as well as SASS rules, and one can really learn a lot and have fun at the same time. Keep this in mind if you’ve ever got a mind to cowboy shoot! It’s a good place to learn how to do it!
Back to the match!
Cheyenne Culpepper rode off into the afternoon sunset with the First Place ribbon! Yonder, he goes! Congratulations and good luck, C.C!
Our good friend, Sixgun Seamus came in Second Place and Third Place went to Shenango Joe followed by Krazy Thom and Cheatin’ Charlie. Congratulations to all our winners and participants! A good time was had by all! Yessir!
Scores can be seen on the previous post.
Big Thanks to everyone for coming out on Saturday for some pre-Valentine’s Day cowboy action! Thank you for helping set up and take down, helping with chores, making folks feel welcome and sharing your knowledge, and thanks be to the folks who came in just to help and our special thanks to the folks who helped with scoring and timer operation.
If I passed over anybody, I’m sorry, let me know and I’ll make it up to yuh!
Please keep all our good friends who couldn’t attend in your thoughts and prayers. Some folks are under the weather or going through some challenging times but keep’em in your thoughts. Thanks.
Please remember all our folks in the Armed Forces too.
Our next match is the Thursday Work Shirker Match
on the last Thursday of the month, February 22, 2018.
That’s less than 2 weeks away! I kid you not!
Look for the Bad Hombre sweep comin’ around again and the Lawrence Welk – indoor style! The Krazy Thom sweep will be there along with the Rattler Sweep and the good ol’ Double Cross! Not a “P” in sight! HaHa!
“I’m comin’ an’ ____________ is comin’ with me!” Fill in the blank at the next match!
Visitors are always welcome but remember, eye protection and hearing protection is mandatory!
We hope to see you there!
All my best,
Slow Mo Dern
Cowboy Action Shooting is a wonderful sport and these activities promote honesty, moral correctness, a love of history, and it’s a heck of a lot of fun!”
- David Chicoine
“Think about it, where else could you go and dress up like a cowboy or western movie actor, talk like you were from Wyoming, even though you grew up in Akron, enjoy your favorite sport (shooting!) and play the ham all at the same time without the slightest chance of being ridiculed?”
Go out there and try it, you’ll be glad you did!