Lake Park Raiders seen in Niles, Ohio! Thursday Feb. 22, 2018

Mo sez: "No matter where we go, there we are!"
"Hey Mo, you sure this is the way to Tusco?"
"Hey Mo! This looks like Nevada!"
"We shoulda' went south at Canfield!"
CAS in Niles, Ohio with the Lake Park Raiders!
This day, Thursday February 22, 2018 started out cold, wet, frozen and slippery! We were blessed with a February “wintery mix” this morning and that means 33 degrees, freezing rain, sleet, partly snowy but mostly cloudy with a chance of fog, black ice, white ice, and gray slush! Not a pretty sight for sure!!
We wondered if anybody was going to show in Niles and were pleasantly surprised when a whole bunch of hearty folks braved the nasty road conditions and rode into town to blast this week’s menagerie of surly copy paper, share a couple laughs, and enjoy a nice visit!
The Main Match:
We shot the Krazy Thom stage again and the 2-1-2 Double Cross, the Rattler sweep and the Progressive sweep, and my favorite; the Bad Hombre sweep with the silent “H”! Who knew that Lawrence Welk and Sam the Sham was the same person? HaHa!
We had 14 enthusiastic participants and First Place went to Sixgun Seamus followed by Black Run Butcher and Krazy Thom. No flyin’ gun parts today!
Shenango Joe came in fourth followed by Hagen and Cheatin’ Charlie.
Duelin’ Diehl, our only clean shootin’ contestant, again, got the lucky seventh spot followed by Curly and the Brunswick Kid.
Slow Mo came in tenth followed by Rattlesnake Ruby, Muzzle Flash, and T.J. Law Dog.
Our good friend Heartless Hanna finished strong in fourteenth place and we always save the best for last!
Scores can be seen in the previous post.
Our next match is Saturday March 10, 2018.
Come join us in a goodly state of merriment and jollification as we engage 5 more fun-filled fractured fantasy fiascos of frontier frenzy and fictitious frolic!
Get ready for the crazy Krazy Thom Heads for Nevada Scenario and the New and Never-Been Tried Single Tap Snake sweep and the return of the famous MOhio sweep! It’s the Ohio Sweep but MO-Defied! You’ll love it!
We’re gonna do the Ol’ Culpepper Sweep with a big 5 second bonus target and a double tap shotgun target; just the thing to get ready for Spring! Yeee-Hawww!
Last but not least is the fun-filled Bad Eye Blob Sweep! The L is silent! You’ll love this one too! It’s a tribute to our good friend Bad Eye Bob and as Bob would say, “Ughh!” He always had a way with primitive dialects to be sure!
I hope to see you there for a posse party of perfect paper perforatin'!
Thank you to everyone who came and participated in Thursday’s match and thank you to the folks who just dropped in to say “Howdy!”
The match ran good and smooth as a $26 watch! Thank you all for your help; everybody knew just what to do and it all paid off. We have the best people in this sport and there’s always a good time to be had!
The next match is Saturday March 10, 2018
The match fee is still only $10, doors open at 9:00 am,
the coffee’s fresh, and all the donuts are dern good looking!
Hope to see you there!
Visitors are always welcome. Eye protection and hearing protection is mandatory.
Remember our friends who couldn’t attend and keep them in your best thoughts.
The door is always open for scenario ideas and suggestions. Let me know if there’s something you’d like to try and we’ll do it if it translates well to our indoor set-up.
See you next month!
All the best,
Slow Mo Dern
Cowboy Action Shooting is a wonderful sport and these activities promote honesty, moral correctness, a love of history, and it’s a heck of a lot of fun!”
- David Chicoine
“Think about it, where else could you go and dress up like a cowboy or western movie actor, talk like you were from Wyoming, even though you grew up in Akron, enjoy your favorite sport (shooting!) and play the ham all at the same time without the slightest chance of being ridiculed?”
Go out there and try it, you’ll be glad you did!