Brookfield CAS with the Shenango River Rats! Thursday May 31, 2018!

"Watch me shoot the rope off'n this dudes neck!"
"That's Tuco..."
"I know it's too cool.....I'm doin' it!"
"No, the guys name is Tuco."
"The guys name's gonna be mud if'n I don't get this rope shot!"
Thursday Work Shirker Open Class CAS Match!
May 31, 2018
What an exciting day!
There’s never a dull moment when the Shenango River Rats start cowboy shooting! Mercy!
We shot the clay birds (dynamite!) from the air, saved the gold shipment from the outlaws, lost the gold shipment, cleaned out the saloon and the hotel looking for it, looked for horses over at Miss Katie’s new Cactus Corral, shot some plates Outlaw Style, missed some plates Mo-style, and ended up at Stage 6 blasting away at the outlaws and recovering the lost gold shipment!
“There’s that gold!” Whew! What a day!
Whew! What a sentence!
A magnificent time was had by all!
We were the Magnificent Seven all over again!
Duelin’ Diehl won the first place spot! Mercy!
Congratulations, Double “D”! He shot it clean too! Double Mercy!
Hagen came in second and brought his smoke and fire with him! It’s always fun to watch the atmosphere in the woods explode! It’ll leave you breathless!
The dapper Brunswick Kid came in third place with another clean match under his belt. Fine shootin’, Kid!
Fourth place went to Brookfield’s own Shenango Joe and fifth place went to master blaster, Prairie Dawg!
Mr. Mo came in sixth followed by our good friend from the rubber city, Wyatt N. Erdy, lucky number seven! Salute!
Duelin’ Diehl and Brunswick Kid had clean matches as mentioned.
Hagen missed a clean match by only one so he took home the tastefully-colored, AwwSh**t ribbon!
Congratulations to all our winners and participants!
Thanks to everyone who came out even though it looked like the rain was inevitable! We beat it this time! Talk about luck!
Today, we were under Mother Nature’s “canopy of humidity”…so much for that natural air conditioning!
You know its Ohio muggy when you’re drenched in sweat and all you did was load 5 rounds in your first pistol on stage 1! Whew!
Good thing I brought that spare can of Arid Extra Dry!
It was so muggy; a cowboy could fold a ‘tater chip in half!
Big thanks to Missouri Jake for coming to keep score for us and driving the “shuttle bus” to and from the range.
Big thanks to Hagen and the Brunswick Kid for helping Mo during the stage instructions on stage 1; I couldn’t have done it without you! Thank you!
Thanks to Swiftwater Jack; I think he might have brought in the good-lookin’ donuts, they wore the Big Eagle brand! Thanks, Jack!
Our next match is Saturday June 9, 2018!
You can be sure we’ll be “hittin’ birds in the air flyin’”, saving brass pickers from surly, Muck-booted outlaws, cleanin’ out a saloon and a hotel, double tappin’, single tappin’, and there might even be the return of the Bad Hombre sweep… and the Krazy Thom sweep needs dusted off!
You can always visit us at:
Just click the word “blog” at the top of the page to see what’s happened or what’s going to happen at the Brookfield Conservation Club!
Visitors and spectators are always welcome.
Eye protection and hearing protection is mandatory!
Thank you. Hope to see you soon!
All the best,
Slow Mo Dern
Cowboy Action Shooting is a wonderful sport and these activities promote honesty, moral correctness, a love of history, and it’s a heck of a lot of fun!”
- David Chicoine
“Think about it, where else could you go and dress up like a cowboy or western movie actor, talk like you were from Wyoming, even though you grew up in Akron, enjoy your favorite sport (shooting!) and play the ham all at the same time without the slightest chance of being ridiculed?”
Go out there and try it, you’ll be glad you did!