Shenango River Rats Ride Again! Thursday June 28, 2018

"What the heck is that?"
"Sounds like someone fell down the stairs with bunch of pots an' pans!"
"It's just Ringo practicin' his drums!"
Doc an' Wyatt on their way to Yankee Flats for the Thursday Work Shirker Open Class CAS Match!
"Got a match?"
"Sure do! Yore breath an' a ..... no wait!
I got a heck of a match!"
Brookfield Cowboy Action with the Shenango River Rats!
It’s the Thursday Work Shirker Open Class CAS Match!
Thursday June 28, 2018
It was a rumble in the jungle on this day!
Eight cowboys came to ring some steel in our frog-friendly jungle environment today; a good time was had by all!
We didn’t get too wet either!
I expected to see Tarzan and his pet monkey swing by on a vine anytime but it didn’t happen. We did kick up a little ditch deer though, coming back to the ranch on Duelin’ Diehl’s safari shuttle bus.
Swiftwater Jack finished in first place today. Congratulations, Swiftwater!
He was followed by Sixgun Seamus in second place with Duelin’ Diehl coming in third.
Hagen, Mr. Smoke an’ Fire, got fourth place and the Brunswick Kid came in fifth.
Sixth place went to Prairie Dawg followed by Mo who came in lucky number seventh!
We always save the best for last! T.J. Lawdog came in eighth place!
The clean shooters were Swiftwater Jack, Duelin’ Diehl, and Hagen.
Congratulations to all our winners and participants!
It was a fun match with a fun bunch of cowboys who didn’t mind gamblin’ with Mother Nature’s rain showers. We did beat the rain and lucked out again.
Still, it would have been nice to have a little air flow goin’ through the woods but there was none to be had! No air means foggy glasses! Yikes!
We did 5 fun stages starting with bird-busting at the fort. The fort has a nice, new deck now. It was installed by the dedicated folks on the well-fed Friday work party. HaHa!
Next up, Marshal Matt Dillon was saved from sneaky outlaws at the stage 3 cabbage patch and then we went through the swingin’ doors at Dakota Bert’s Saloon to eradicate the surly bartenders and clean out the hotel.
We shot up some left-over outlaw debris at Miss Katie’s Cacti Corral and ended up with the good ol’ Bad Hombre sweep on the Mercantile stage being careful not to hit store clerk Gladys Kanbee as she picked up gold ingots from the floor!
We all hopped onto Duelin’ Diehl’s jungle safari/shuttle bus and headed out of the jungle and up to the club house for rest and relaxation, prizes, scores, coffee, and good-byes.
Special thanks go out to Lady Longbranch Laura, she was nice enough to help us with scoring today.
Thanks, Laura! Some pards might know her as Mrs. Brunswick Kid!
Thanks to everyone who came out to jungle jive with us and thank you for all your hard work. A small posse means double and triple duties but we pulled it off most famously!
A lot of folks can’t play cowboys with us anymore and a lot of folks are laid up with major and minor difficulties. Please keep these good folks in your thoughts and prayers.
Some folks don’t come around much anymore and we always wonder if they’re doin’ all right so please keep’em in your thoughts. Thanks.
The next Shenango River Rats match at Brookfield is
Saturday July 14, 2018.
We hope to see you there! We’re gonna bust some more clay birds, save some more “brass pickers”, e’rat’icate some more rats, outlaws, hombres, and renegades, and knock-down some more plates Outlaw style! Maybe some more bottles too! Ha!
There might be a new Miss Katies Sporting House! Ya just never know!
Spectators and visitors are always welcome. Eye protection and hearing protection are mandatory.
Safety first!
I hope to see you soon!
All the best,
Slow Mo Dern