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Thursday Work Shirker CAS Match at Brookfield! July 26, 2018

"Now, who the heck is this?"

"Don't you know? That's Slugless Douglas and 2-Gun Shorty!"

"It is not! Why, that's Pennsylvania Speedy Edie!"

"Then who's the other dude?"

"That must be her side-kick! Dead On Drew!"

"What did Dead On draw?"

"No, Dead On Drew!"

"That side-kick looks like one bad hombre! Does he have a sweep named after him?"

Shenango River Rats Ride Again!

Brookfield Conservation Club on July 26, 2018

The Thursday Work Shirker Open Class Match

It was a hot day in late July when 14 shooters formed a posse at the little cowboy town known as Yankee Flats and proceeded to bust a whole flock of clay birds, blast a galloping elk, ring a whole pastel of clanging bells, and save Calamity Jane from chicken rustlers! Whew!

The posse went on to Dakota Bert’s Saloon to order up favorite drinks, shoot at the patrons and clean out the hotel of all its rats! Yikes!

“So far, so good!” or like the sign says, “so good, so far!”

We wrapped it all up with a go at the plate rack, Outlaw Style, and a good ol’ Ohio sweep on the rifle targets. The shotguns took care of any free range chickens! KABOOM!

A good time was had by all and the match ended in “a goodly state of merriment!”

Swiftwater Jack won the match today! Congratulations, Swiftwater!

Some dude named Mo got second place! “Ain’t that a wonderment!”

Hagen, the sultan of soot, came in third. Heartless Hannah has nick-named him Dragon Dave ‘cause of the “smoke and fire that comes forth from his muzzle!” HaHa! No kiddin’!

Everyone’s placement from this match is on the previous post.

We had some first-time shooters for this match. Panhandle Tom came all the way from Florida to shoot with us. He’s a good friend of T.J. Lawdog and I hope he’ll stop by again someday. He was clearly enjoying himself!

Speedy Edie and her son, new shooter Slugless Douglas, came from Pennsylvania to ring some steel and have a good time with the Shenango River Rats! I know they’ll be back someday; they had a real good time!

Pennsylvania’s Bulls Eye Bill was there. He finished in the fourth place spot. He’s a real nice guy and a real good shootist! Thanks for coming out, Bulls Eye, and thanks for all your help!

Duelin’ Diehl came in fifth and won himself the real deal brown ribbon! AwwSh**t, Double D! Better luck next time! I think that’s his first brown ribbon! Congratulations!

Hard working Heartless Hannah and Muzzle Flash joined us for some merriment. Flash came in ninth and Heartless finished twelfth. See, all that hard work pays off!

Congratulations to all our winners and contestants! YeeHawwww!

After the match we retired to the clubhouse for scores, ribbons, prizes, and tequila suckers! Yum!

Thanks to everyone for coming. We hope you had enough fun and we hope to see you again if you’ve a mind to sling some more lead!

Thanks to everybody for helping make this steaming hot match run so smooth like a slicked-up Thom Duma time-piece! I know I had a blast!

Thanks to Missouri Jake and Swiftwater Jack for handling registration, scoring, and all the other important stuff they do.

Thanks to everyone who helped our new shooters with your knowledge and expertise. This is what makes this sport so friendly and fun!

Our next match is on Saturday August 11, 2018.

Come join us for 5 fun, fractured, frontier fables and scenarios straight from the Old West!

We’ll ring some real steel and bust birds, blast elks on the move, save Rooster Cogburn from the Original Mexican Bob’s outlaw gang, double tap stuff and triple tap stuff, wipe out a hotel of nasty ratas, and shoot the plate rack Outlaw Style! That sounds like some fun!

Hagen and the Brunswick Kid are sure to be packin’ lightning, fire, and a whole lotta smoke! Double YeeHaww!!

Visitors and spectators are always welcome. Bring your eye protection and hearing protection, its mandatory!

I hope to see you then,

Slow Mo Dern

Cowboy Action Shooting is a wonderful sport and these activities promote honesty, moral correctness, a love of history, and it’s a heck of a lot of fun!”

- David Chicoine

“Think about it, where else could you go and dress up like a cowboy or western movie actor, talk like you were from Wyoming, even though you grew up in Akron, enjoy your favorite sport (shooting!) and play the ham all at the same time without the slightest chance of being ridiculed?”

Go out there and try it, you’ll be glad you did!

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1953 Sharon Hogue Rd
Masury, Trumbull County 44438

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