Brookfield CAS! Saturday August 11, 2018. What a beautiful day!

"Well, what'll it be, pard?"
"Wow....this must be the Long Branch...."
"That was last month! How 'bout some coffee? It wuz ground this morning!"
"How 'bout some Chowder Busthead? Whatcha lookin' at?"
"You some kinda frog watcher?"
He must be lookin' for the hotel! I wonder if he came for the Trivago deal! I can tell he's in Yankee Flats; there's a bar, a strong box, a bottle...
Cowboy Action at Brookfield Conservation Club in Masury, Ohio!
Saturday August 11, 2018
What a beautiful day for a cowboy action shooting match!
Nineteen participants came out to blast some real steel under the trees in the little town of Yankee Flats! You know the place…
Where the aroma of black powder is strong, the stage writing is almost average, and all the targets are good looking ….when you can see’em! HaHa!
Just look for the smoke billowing up over the tree line; I did and I thought the woods were on fire! Yikes!
Actually, it was all the Sultans of Soot who had come in force! Over 25% of our contestants were dark-siders! Must be something in the air!
We did five good-time, wacky western stages starting with our usual “bird-busting at the fort warm-up” stage and our “running wilderness elk” stage where fast rifle handling was to one’s advantage! Move over Lucas McCain!
Next time look for 6 on the elk and 4 on the big square!
The trap machine had a mind of its own and was throwing out doubles which was Ok if you didn’t have to hit a knock-down! We’ll get that fixed for next time.
Quick thinking BobTown Cooter disconnected the battery between shooters to save our birds from being randomly launched! Thanks, Cooter!
Stage 3 was brought to you by the letter ‘R’!”
We used Swiftwater Jack’s new good-lookin’ Wells Fargo Office facade with the good-lookin’ weather vane for the first time and it was a big hit! Rooster and his corn dodgers were saved from the Original Mexican Bob and his hungry gang!
Next match, we’ll start at the doorway with blazing pistols and end with the shotgun. That’ll be mo’better!
The Nido de Ratas Hotel…
The Trivago Deal said, “the overnight stay is free if you terminate 10 hotel rats!” Well, we got the ones in the hotel and we got the ones in the saloon after we ordered our favorite summer-time beverage!
I ordered a MO-MO-sa, of course! HaHaHic! No one wanted to stay overnight…
The last stage was Miss Katie’s Cactus Coral complete with a Josey Wales sweep, hanging canteens, and the famous plate-rack that is best engaged Outlaw Style for maximum jollification!
“Here, hold my canteen and watch this, Ringo!”
This outlaw style is very contagious, just ask Hagen who does very well with it, and now cousin Rowdy Red might be starting to appreciate the feeling of intense satisfaction that comes with knocking those plates over while shooting like a bad outlaw!
He was thoroughly enjoying himself and I could tell ‘cause he didn’t want to stop shooting at that psychedelic chicken! KaBOOOOM!
A good time was had by all! There was plenty of fire and smoke, plenty of laughter, and plenty of fun to be had. A good time with some fine folks! We even had time to visit a little bit!
New York’s Inspector Holmes came in first place followed by Cheatin’ Charlie and Swiftwater Jack.
Mo came in twelfth place! “Everything was against me!!” -stolen line from Thom Channey
Shenango Joe and Duelin’ Diehl got the Clean and Smooth ribbons this time!
All the Saturday match placements are on the blog, if you’ve an interest.
Congratulations to all our winners and participants!
Big thanks to Missouri Jake for handling the registration chores, driving the shuttle, and scoring the match. Thanks, Jake!
Big thanks to everyone for coming out, helping with chores, and making this match one of the most fun yet! I know I had a good time!
Big thanks to Kat for bringing us a fine Sloppy Joe lunch complete with coleslaw, potato chips, and a really fine dessert! Yum!
Big thanks to everyone who brought in additional food for us to eat and take home! Thank you for your generosity!
Big thanks to all the folks who came to help install our new façade, paint targets, fix targets, and all that hard work on some pretty hot days during the week. I appreciate it and will never turn down a helping hand.
I trust everyone had a good time and had a safe trip home. If you had a good time, I hope you’ll come visit us again!
Our next match is Thursday August 30, 2018.
It’s the Thursday Work Shirker Open Class CAS Match!
It is an open class match so you can shoot any style you choose.
Come out and ring some more real steel, bust some birds, slay some rats, ring some bells, blast a moving elk, save a famous person of the Old West from a renegade gang, and ding some more plates outlaw style and much, much more.
Keep all our friends who couldn’t attend in your thoughts and prayers and always remember our folks serving in the armed forces. Thank you.
Visitors and spectators are always welcome at our CAS match but please remember to bring your eye protection and hearing protection!
I have said a mouthful! I hope to see you soon.
All my best,
Slow Mo Dern
Cowboy Action Shooting is a wonderful sport and these activities promote honesty, moral correctness, a love of history, and it’s a heck of a lot of fun!”
- David Chicoine
“Think about it, where else could you go and dress up like a cowboy or western movie actor, talk like you were from Wyoming, even though you grew up in Akron, enjoy your favorite sport (shooting!) and play the ham all at the same time without the slightest chance of being ridiculed?”
Go out there and try it, you’ll be glad you did!