Thursday Work Shirker Open Class CAS Match! August 30, 2018! Shenango River Rats at Brookfield!

"Well, we best get to it!" sez Alamosa Bill...
"Get to what?" sez Billy the Kid.
"It! We best get to it!"
"You sure yer name ain't Elamosa Bill, Bill?"
"Naw, jest one Bill...."
"Ain't you supposed to be at work?"
Nineteenth century decision making in the Old West...
Thursday Work Shirker Open Class CAS Match at the Brookfield Conservation Club!
Thursday August 30, 2018
Howdy! Howdy, Friends!
It’s time for some action! It’s time for some Cowboy Action!
Cowboy Action with the Shenango River Rats!
Grab yer stuff and meet us at the range! Where the deer, antelope, Elk, lonesome doves, and all the other critters like to play!
Where seldom is heard a discouraging word; unless you just finished your run and the spotters are holding up fingers and you ran out of shotgun shells again! Ha!
Don’t let that get ya down, bunky!
It’s time to do 5 more stages of merriment Old West style!
Thursday August 30, 2018
We’ll start nice an’ easy bustin’ birds and elk blastin’ and save ol’ Jim Hardy from the mail robbers. There’s a bonus waitin’ at the saloon and plenty big rats to be exterminated!
We’ll wrap it all up knockin’ over some plates Outlaw style, chicken blastin’, and executing a daring rifle sweep of some kind!
It’s Thursday! You can shoot any style you want at any time you want!
Play hooky from your place of employment, hit the road and head for the shady canopy of the cowboy range known as Yankee Flats!
You deserve a break today! Hang out where it’s shady and try your hand at being a Gunfighter or a Duelist! Get yer mojo working and be a Double Duelist! YeeeHaaww!
Put the mojo in overdrive and become the king of Outlaw style or blast some rats Lawman style!
Adventure and excitement is a’waiting!
This is the most fun you can have on a Thursday!
5 fun-filled stages including complete instructions on how to complete each one!
Alamosa Bill says, “What could be easier?!!”
No lunch will be available! If you might get hungry: better pack some snacks!
Will Muny sez: “Any man who don’t wanna get hungry, better snack out the back with the snack you packed!” That’s a quote!
Doors open at 9:00 am and the action starts at about 10:00 am after the pledge and a brief safety meeting.
I truly hope to see you there, pard! That is, if you ain’t chicken!
Spectators and visitors are always welcome. Bring your safety glasses and hearing protection! It’s mandatory!
All my best,
Slow Mo Dern
Cowboy Action Shooting is a wonderful sport and these activities promote honesty, moral correctness, a love of history, and it’s a heck of a lot of fun!”
- David Chicoine
“Think about it, where else could you go and dress up like a cowboy or western movie actor, talk like you were from Wyoming, even though you grew up in Akron, enjoy your favorite sport (shooting!) and play the ham all at the same time without the slightest chance of being ridiculed?”
Go out there and try it, you’ll be glad you did!