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CAS at Brookfield with the Shenango River Rats! August 30, 2018

"What the heck is that he's ridin'on?"

"That's a horse!"

"A horse! Can we git a horse?"

"Naw, we're 'ground-pounders'! If we bought a horse; we couldn't afford all these cool guns!"

The pony express delivering a wire from the sheriff to the little town of Yankee Flats!

Thursday August 30, 2018

The Thursday Work-Shirker Open Class CAS Match

At the Brookfield Conservation Club with the

Shenango River Rats!

It was another beautiful day to have an open class work-shirker cowboy action match down at the Brookfield cowboy range!

16 friendly folks, cowboys and cowgirls, guests, and participants rode into town to win some ribbons, ring some steel, crack some jokes, bust some birds, and have a real good time!

Five fun-filled stages of frontier frenzy and western wackiness were planned for the day and I hope they didn’t disappoint.

We started out with our perfectly working trap machine that didn’t work when it was time to shoot! HaHa!

What a disappointment, but all was not lost because it made for a quicker stage and quick minds thought of humorous things to say adding to the fun and merriment!

The elk was off and running up a storm, almost flawlessly! We blasted the elk, did the Cha Cha, and knocked down some diamonds! Next time we’re going back to the Krazy Thom sweep! No more Cha Cha lessons!

Swiftwater Jack’s new Wells Fargo Office façade and stage works pretty dern good! We saved Jim Hardy from the mail robbers and drew down on a whole rail of targets just waitin’ to get double tapped!

We have made this stage even wider and safer for our next match, thanks to the Friday work party! Plenty of elbow room! Thanks, guys!

On to the hotel!

There was a bonus to be had but not many folks wanted it! Shoot the rifle targets with yer hogleg and get a 5 second bonus automatically! Sweet! It put me up in the top 15! HaHa!!

All the rats went down almost flawlessly! Lawman style through the window, even! Only took me about 14 shells this time! YeeeHaaw!

Well, we didn’t come all this way to shoot canteens, kid!

We ended the match at the plate rack done up Outlaw style for extra fun and a quick progressive sweep followed by our usual yellow chicken blasting! KaBoom! KaBoom! Lawman style, of course!

Swiftwater Jack won the first place spot. He won overall and shot a clean match too! Congratulations, Swiftwater!

Krazy Thom came in second place followed by New York’s Low Plains Drifter who also shot the match clean and smooth!

Willy Goodnews came in fourth and shot a clean match followed by T.J. Lawdog coming in fifth.

Duelin’ Diehl, Krazy Thom, and T.J. Lawdog all received the AwwSh**t ribbons for missing a clean match by one. AwwShoot! Better luck next time!

Shenango Joe came in eighth place and shot a clean match.

Our good friend Curly came out and finished in the lucky seventh spot! Not bad shootin’ at all! It’s good to see him mobile again!

Mo came in at number 9. “Not bad, not good, it just is!” HaHaHa!

I’ll take anything! It was a good day to shoot a cowboy match; the weather was excellent, the people were excellent, and the match went pretty dern smooth but we never saw the 8 mph breezes that were promised in Mr. Morgan’s weather report!

Our friend Jocko came to shoot with us. He’s a famous sultan of soot from Connecticut who stops by to shoot and have some fun.

We had a goodly showing of the black powder folks again this time. That's why we need those breezes!

Duelin’ Diehl brought Tombstone Tim to check out all the action; he was having a real good time! He might be back to shoot again! I hope so, he worked real hard! Thanks, Tim and thanks, Double D!

Our old friends Utah Scout and Brush Rabbit came by and I wish I would have had more time to visit with them. Maybe they’ll drop by again soon. They’ve been in the game a long time and love this sport!

Thanks to everyone for helping make this match fun and exciting.

Thanks for all your help with equipment, posse duties, registration, and all the big and little things needed to have a successful cowboy match!

Our next match is Saturday September 8, 2018.

We’re gonna bust some more birds, gun down traveling elks and stationary bottles, shoot a padlock, slay some hotel varmints, do the dishes Outlaw style, and maybe save a distressed damsel! Yaaay!

Look for the 10 on 5 sweep, Krazy Thom on the Bells, the Mo-dified Josey Wales sweep, and a couple other fun and frantic ways to make the cold steel ring! It’ll be more fun than a barrel of excited monkeys!

I hope to see you there!

Spectators and visitors are always welcome. Safety glasses and eye protection are mandatory.

All my best,

Slow Mo Dern

Cowboy Action Shooting is a wonderful sport and these activities promote honesty, moral correctness, a love of history, and it’s a heck of a lot of fun!”

- David Chicoine

“Think about it, where else could you go and dress up like a cowboy or western movie actor, talk like you were from Wyoming, even though you grew up in Akron, enjoy your favorite sport (shooting!) and play the ham all at the same time without the slightest chance of being ridiculed?”

Go out there and try it, you’ll be glad you did!

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1953 Sharon Hogue Rd
Masury, Trumbull County 44438

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