Saturday CAS at Brookfield, Ohio with the Shenango River Rats! September 8, 2018!

"Don't worry, Sally. I'll hep yuh shoot that elk!"
"I ain't worried about th' elk! It's thet Krazy Thom sweep! Let's see one....two ..."
"I think the 'H' is silent...."
"What the heck's that mean? Now where was I? One ... two.... DANG!"
"We gotta have a strategy if we want to win this thing!!"
"Let's see whut the paper says!"
Contestants are encouraged to figure out the best way to shoot the stage!
Saturday CAS Match at the Brookfield Conservation Club!
Saturday September 8, 2018
Howdy! Howdy, Friends!
It’s time again for some more action! It’s time for some more Cowboy Action!
Cowboy Action with the Shenango River Rats!
Grab yer stuff and meet us at the range! Where the deer and the cantelope, Elk, lonesome doves, and all the other critters like to play!
Where seldom is heard a discouraging word; unless you just finished your run, the spotters are holding up fingers, and you ran out of shotgun shells again! HaHaHa!!
Don’t let that get ya down, pard! “Sicker dogs.…”
It’s time to do 5 more stages of Old West wackiness, show off yer fancy shootin’, crack some jokes, and get close to Mother Nature!
The match is on Saturday Sepember 8, 2018
We’ll start with our bird blastin’, elk blastin’, and save Goldie Locks from a pack of hungry coyotes!
We’ll do the Slow Mo sweep, the El Mysterioso sweep, the Krazy Thom sweep, and a Mo-defied Joe Z. Whales sweep!
We’ll wrap it all up doin’ the dishes Outlaw style, and then doin’ some chicken blastin’!
It’s Saturday! Time to turn off Hopalong Cassidy, git outside, an’ have some fun!
Hit the road and head for Yankee Flats, the Cowboy Range at Brookfield! Where the powder goes bang, the steel goes clang, and all the stages are good looking!
5 fun-filled stages including complete instructions on how to complete each one!
Doors open at 9:00 am and the action starts at about 10:00 am after the pledge and a brief safety meeting.
Match fee is 10 dollars!
Miss Kat’s Wild Western Lunch will be available for 5 dollars more!
I truly hope to see you there, pard! That is, if you ain’t chicken!
Spectators and visitors are always welcome. Bring your safety glasses and hearing protection! It’s mandatory!
All my best,
Slow Mo Dern