River Rats Save CAS Match! Saturday Sept. 8, 2018!

"Looks good to me!", sez Lloyd.
"That'll do in a pinch but it looks a little weak!", sez Mo.
"Stick a spoon in it!"
"Do the paper test! I gotta good headline!"
Good coffee is rich, full-bodied, and keeps you up half the night!
River Rats Save
Washed Out CAS Match!
Cowboy Action at the Brookfield Conservation Club with the
Shenango River Rats!
Saturday September 8, 2018
Saturday was a very wet, sloppy day but 13 determined shootists showed up to ring some cold, wet steel at the Brookfield Conservation Club in Masury, Ohio.
We were all set-up to do a 5-stage match complete with a running elk, flying clay birdies, shiny plates, a new Wells Fargo façade, nasty hotel rats, a cabbage patch full of rifle targets, and a whole plethora of world famous sweeps and do it all under the trees to shade us from the harsh early autumn sunlight! Yep!
The weather lady said we were going to be high an’ dry as the day went by, never to be heard a discouraging word and I must apologize for telling everyone it was going to be a nice day! Hang down yer head, Thom Dooley! Doh!
It was raining when I woke up and it didn’t quit the whole day! It really put a damper on things! Groan!
We were sitting around the clubhouse drinking coffee and visiting but more and more people were walking in the door and they came to Cowboy shoot!
Fast-thinking Hagen said, “I’ll hitch up Missouri Jake’s trailer, we’ll go down to the cowboy range and bring back 7 targets and some shotgun knock-down targets and we’ll set up a cowboy match on the 25 yard range under the roof!” It was a good plan!
Lenny James said, “Forget the trailer; we’ll use my pick-up truck!”
So Hagen, LaPorte Lefty, Lenny James, the Brunswick Kid, and Mo, donned the raingear and fetched all the match paraphernalia we needed and set up a semi-perfect little match, high an’ dry under the tin roof of the 25/50 yard range!
That’s what we did and the rest is history.
We shot 5 fun-filled stages of western wackiness including the 2-Plate Progressive sweep, the Mo-defied Abilene sweep, and the famous One-Three-One sweep.
Low Plains Drifter served up the Double Tap Nevada sweep and another sweep right out of the pages of the Kentucky State Match Manual; I think it was called the “Big Shot’a Bourbon in a Big Shot Glass” sweep or something like that! Anyway, it all worked out good and a good time was had by all!
We learned a lot and we’ll know better how to do it next time! Of course, next time we’ll be prepared and it won’t rain! Ha!
It only rained this time because we took down our rain tarp at the cowboy range! HaHa!
Match Results:
First place went to seasoned veteran shootist, Johnny Shiloh! Congratulations, Johnny!
Second place went to Low Plains Drifter. He shot the match clean and helped introduce two more of our much needed stages! Thanks, Low Plains!
Fast shootin’ Swiftwater Jack came in third place and was instrumental in running our battery powered digital timing instrument! Thanks, Jack!
Saturday’s clean shooters were the Brunswick Kid, Jocko, and the Low Plains Drifter.
Taking home the brown colored AwwSh**t ribbons were T.J. Lawdog, Slow Mo, Flat Iron Mike, Duelin’ Diehl, Shenango Joe, and Johnny Shiloh. AwwwShoooot!! Missed One! Better luck next time!
Congratulations to all our winners and participants!
Big thanks to Missouri Jake for keeping score for us!
Thanks to Miss Kat for the Pulled Pork Sandwich lunch complete with cole slaw, chips, and cookies! Yummy!
Special thanks to Lenny James for hauling the targets, stands, timers, buckets, and other stuff to the 25 yard range then hauling it all back when we finished! Thanks, Lenny!
Thanks also to LaPorte Lefty for riding on the slippery, wet tailgate and making sure nothing fell off! Thanks, Lefty!
Special thanks to Mrs. Lefty for keeping all our spent brass picked up and returned to its rightful owners! Fine job, Mrs. Lefty!
Thank you to everyone for braving the elements and coming out to have some fun with us on this sloppy, wet, September day!
Our next match will be on:
Thursday September 27, 2018.
It’s our Thursday Work Shirker Open Class CAS Match!
We’ll shoot just what we were going to shoot on the last Saturday match but didn’t! It’ll be fun!
I hope to see you there!
Visitors, spectators, and guests are always welcome at our Cowboy matches. Wear your eye protection and hearing protection. It’s mandatory!
All my best,
Slow Mo Dern
Cowboy Action Shooting is a wonderful sport and these activities promote honesty, moral correctness, a love of history, and it’s a heck of a lot of fun!”
- David Chicoine
Think about it, where else could you go and dress up like a cowboy or western movie actor, talk like you were from Wyoming, even though you grew up in Akron, enjoy your favorite sport (shooting!) and play the ham all at the same time without the slightest chance of being ridiculed?”
Go out there and try it, you’ll be glad you did!