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What Happened on Thursday September 27, 2018? Cowboy Action! That's whut! Ha!

Mo sez: "Git after him, Sheriff! Don't let 'im git away!"

"Wud 'e do? Defame a Easter basket, use too many staples?"

"Naw, he stole all the tequila suckers! We were savin' em for Halloween!"

"Git the rope ready! We'll string'im up!"

Chasing the bad hombres in the Old West!

It happened days ago but this is how I remember it.

It was a good day to dye ... if you’re a parrot head…

Oh, wait, that’s tie dye -- a different story!

It was a good day for Cowboy Action! The sky was slightly cloudy but not real dark, the temperature was in the low 70’s, and it wasn’t raining! If you listened, you could hear the water babbling in the brook!

It was a good day for the

Thursday Work-Shirker Open Class CAS Match!

Wait... no, that was Mo babbling out the stage instructions. It’s hard to hear with these dern earplugs in! Huh? What?

But there was air flowing through the Flats! We had a nice little breeze that blew the smoke away so all the targets were partly visible!

Good thing too! Hagen was there with his partner in soot; the Brunswick Kid!

Our friend Jocko also came by to ring the steel with some beefy black powder loads and Willy Goodnews came to shoot with the cap an’ball Remingtons!

There was plenty o’smoke an’ fahr in the woods this day!

I was modern and used that invention from France…smokeless powder! Not that old-fashioned stuff! Phew!

We shot 5 easy stages. The trap machine quit so some folks didn’t have to break any birds. Too bad; it’s more fun to shoot at the birds!

The elk worked flawlessly! Lottsa fun! 5 on the elk, 5 on the big square, a Krazy Thom sweep, and knock down 2 diamonds!

Goldie Locks was saved from the robbers and riff-raff on stage 3 which saw the return of my wintertime favorite; the Slow Mo sweep!

A good time was not had by all! HaHa!

Yuh gotta be a Gunfighter to appreciate that one!

Thanks be to Veddy Badman, our long lost compadre; he invented that sweep!

The rats were all exterminated at the hotel after a brief encounter with the One-Three-One sweep. No shot shells were dropped today by this cowboy, I’m proud to say!

The last stage is the fun one! Outlaw style is catching on, I tell yuh! Lottsa folks tried their hand at it on the plate rack; T.J. Lawdog, the Brunswick Kid, Hagen, and me!

Muzzle Flash did it too! He did it semi-outlaw! It counts! He even did the chickens Lawman style and got ‘em both, Mr. Sieber! KaBooom!!

After the shoot-out we returned to the clubhouse for ribbons, door prizes, scores, and tequila suckers! A good day was had by all, for sure!

Krazy Thom came in first place and Swiftwater Jack came in second!

The Low Plains Drifter was third place today.

Mo finished in that lucky seventh spot again! Next time I’ll clean the patina off the safety glasses earlier in the match—then look out! Pun intended!

Congratulations to all our winners and contestants!

Thanks to everybody for all your help with set-up, pick-up, take-down, registration, scoring, equipment usage, equipment repair, and all the other things big and small it takes to set one of these matches up.

Our next match will be Saturday October 13, 2018.

Come out under the falling leaves and shoot 5 fun stages of western wackiness! We’ll shoot the flyin’ birds, the running elk, the cabbage patch outlaws, the hotel rats, and finish it all up with a rack full of plates and some little chickens! Shoot’em all outlaw style for some extra excitement! A bona-fide good time! Yayyyy!

Remember, the Brookfield Conservation Club is having a chicken dinner at 5:30 pm the evening of the CAS match. It’s a chicken dinner and Chinese auction to raise money for the club.

Dine-in or take it home, if you have a notion to stay around the club house for a few hours.

I always get a couple dinners to take home. They’re yummy, Earp! Hic!

I hope to see you at our match Saturday October 13, 2018!

Visitors and spectators are always welcome. Wear your eye protection and hearing protection. It’s mandatory! Thanks.

See you soon,

Slow Mo Dern

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1953 Sharon Hogue Rd
Masury, Trumbull County 44438

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