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CAS with the River Rats! Saturday October 13, 2018

"Pap! Pap! The woods is on fahr!"

"Whut the....! Don't be alarmed, son, it's jest Hagen shootin' Outlaw style!"

"How can he see, Pappy?"

"He don't hafta see, he shoots by sense of smell! Like a pinball wizard, son!"

"I'm surprised he's got any sense of smell left, Pappy!"

Father and son discuss the finer points of shooting with black powder!

Brookfield CAS with the River Rats

Saturday October 13, 2018

It could have been a dreary day but Hagen had the woodstove cranked up so everybody could stay warm and all the targets were out in the grass just waiting to get shot upon!

Thanks to all who came out to have a good time with the Shenango River Rats under the roof at the Brookfield Conservation Club!

First place went to Swiftwater Jack. He shot it clean too! Congratulations, Swiftwater!

Mo did pretty good too! We should shoot upstairs more often! HaHa!

A big welcome to Turkey Flats Jack for coming out to Brookfield for the first time! Thanks to everyone for making him feel welcome!

He went home with his first AwwSh**t ribbon! Congratulations!

Thank you to everybody for all the help setting up, taking down, scoring, registration, equipment, food, and the other expertizes contributed, big or little; it all helps make the match run smoothly.

Above all, thanks for being such good sports! This game and all the folks that like to play it are the best folks in the world! Salute!

The shooter placement was as follows:

First place went to Swiftwater Jack! Clean and smooth!

Flat Iron Mike! Second place! Ooooh, that’s nice, Mike!

T.J. Lawdog! Third place, not too shabby! AwwSh**t ribbon to go!

Slow Mo Dern was fourth? Whoa! Time to get the calculator fixed!

Duelin’ Diehl! Ol’ Double D! Fifth place – clean and smooth!

Hagen came in sixth! Clean, smooth, and smoky! HaHa!

Shenango Joe! Lucky number seven! Buy tickets on the way home, Joe

Eighth place is the Brunswick Kid, missed it by this much! AwwSh**t!

Number 9, number 9… Turkey Flats Jack! AwwSh**t ribbon time!

Rattlesnake Ruby came in tenth!

Muzzle Flash was eleventh followed by Deadwood Dave in twelfth place and Heartless Hanna came in strong at the thirteenth place!

Congratulations to all our winners and participants!

I hope everyone had a wonderful good time shooting high an’ dry under the roof at the 25 yard range!

When the smoke cleared we all went inside to feast on Deadwood Dave’s Chicken White Chili and Cowgirl Kat’s roast beef sandwiches, pasta salad, chips, brownies, and chocolate chip cookies! The coffee wasn’t bad either! Yum!

Big cowboy thanks to Shotgun Shelby for taking photographs of us all day! I can’t wait to see them!

Everybody likes her! Thanks for making her feel right at home!

Our next match is our

Thursday Work Shirker Open Class CAS Match!

It’s on the last Thursday -- October 25, 2018!

We’re gonna bust some birds, shoot the elk, shoot the lock, shoot the bad guys, shoot the rats, shoot the plates, shoot the sweeps, and shoot the breeze! We’ll do this all under Mother Nature’s diminishing canopy of colorful cascading chlorophyll!

This will be our last Cowboy match at Brookfield before we head south with Ten Beers and his Comanches to the sleepy little town of Niles, Ohio where we shall transform ourselves into the Lake Park Raiders; a surly posse of professional paper-punchers and pistoleros!

I hope you can come!

Visitors and spectators are always welcome but please bring your personal protective gear – safety glasses and hearing protection!

All my best,

Slow Mo Dern

Cowboy Action Shooting is a wonderful sport and these activities promote honesty, moral correctness, a love of history, and it’s a heck of a lot of fun!”

- David Chicoine

“Think about it, where else could you go and dress up like a cowboy or western movie actor, talk like you were from Wyoming, even though you grew up in Akron, enjoy your favorite sport (shooting!) and play the ham all at the same time without the slightest chance of being ridiculed?”

Go out there and try it, you’ll be glad you did!

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1953 Sharon Hogue Rd
Masury, Trumbull County 44438

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