Cowboy Action in Niles, Ohio! Saturday November 10, 2018!

"Hey, what's this? Halloween's over! Are they trick r' treatin'?"
"No, that's a posse!" sez Mo.
"Are they after the trick r' treaters? They look kinda serious! Especially that dude on the right!"
"No, this posse's gonna grab their beef jerky an'git ready to go south with Ten Beers an'the rest of the Comanches!"
"Go south! South to Blood Butte or Mexico?"
"Naw, jest down to the sleepy, little, town of Niles, Ohio... where the BP fumes are too strong, all the shooters are good-lookin', and the stage writin' is above average! Haw!Haw!"
15 good-lookin' shooters can't be wrong! Niles is the place for CAS this winter!
CAS in Niles, Ohio!
Saturday November 10, 2018
Come to Niles, Ohio and join us as we perforate perfectly placed and push-pinned paper panels using perfectly placed projectiles, powder propelled from our personally possessed pistolas! Phew!
It’s time to shoot indoors in Niles!
Sign up is at 9:00 am and the action starts at 10:00 am!
Match fee is a fist-full of 10 dollars!
Cowboy donuts and cowboy coffee!
No lunch will be served so bring your snacks if you be hungry!
Leave the gun cart home! Leave the shotgun ammo home!
Bring all your cowboy guns!
12 gauge and 20 gauge shotgun ammo will be provided by the club!
We’ll shoot 5 fun-filled stages from the pages of the Old West fun-filled stage and scenario book!
Visitors and spectators are always welcome. Bring your safety glasses and hearing protection! It is mandatory!
Important Note:
Sorry, Pards! Smokeless powder only!
We love our black powder shooters but the building is too small to accommodate 5 stages worth of smoke from all our black powder aficionados!