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Thursday November 29, 2018! Lake Park Raiders Rode Again!

"I'm glad he doesn't say anything about bein' a good guitar player!"

"He's too skinny to be Gene Autry!"

"That's a B-Western guitar!"

"Hey, Mo! Play everything you know...we got a minute!"

Mo sez: "Read number 4, Lem!"

Thursday November 29, 2018

The Lake Park Raiders Rode Again!

Thanks to everyone who came out to shoot indoors!

The Lake Park Raiders welcomed experienced cowboy, Loquacious Loner and a new hand, Lakota Slim to the match today. Welcome, friends!

Thanks to everyone for making them feel right at home!

Thanks to Seamus for keeping our indoor matches in mind when an introduction to cowboy shooting matches is needed!

New shooters are always welcome!

Both amigos had to depart early but it was good seeing and visiting with them again.

They, along with 12 other happy folks made up the posse today and a good time was had!

We did the Krazy Thom Stairway scenario and Wyatt N. Erdy’s Lone Ranger stage along with a heart-breaking Joe Z. Whale production.

There was a giant Lone Ranger mask that looked more like Mr. Magoo glasses and a sad, deflated orca with a 45LC hole in his hide from a Red Leg horse pistol. Rest in pieces, Joe Z. Whale!

We did a salute to our old friend and partner, BadEye Bob, just for kicks, with some over-zealous cup twirling ala Doc Holiday that sent the cup clattering down range much to the amusement of all!

The other scenarios consisted of “shootin’ up the Long Branch” and the infamous Zig-Zag sweep.

First place went to Sixgun Seamus. Congratulations, Seamus!

Willy Good News came in second followed by Swiftwater Jack.

Cheatin’ Charlie was fourth followed by Duelin’ Diehl.

Slow Mo was sixth place. Got a “P” on his own scenario! HaHa!

Shenango Joe came in at the lucky seventh place and missed having a clean match by one! AwwSh**t, Joe!

Hard-workin’ Hagen was eighth place followed by Krazy Thom.

The Brunswick Kid finished tenth with one miss away from a clean match as well as Muzzle Flash who came in eleventh.

Finishing strong in twelfth place was our good friend Heartless Hanna!

Clean shooters were Sixgun Seamus and Swiftwater Jack.

AwwSh**t recognition went to Shenango Joe, Brunswick Kid, and Muzzle Flash.

The big door prize went to new shooter, Lakota Slim! Congratulations, Slim!

Unfortunately, Lakota Slim had to leave early so; Willy got the prize! AwwSh**t, Slim! Congratulations, Willy!

Word on the trail:

Cheatin’ Charlie says he wants bigger targets!

We can do that!

Brunswick Kid says, “target size has increased by 35% since last year!”

Charlie says, “let’s move the table closer!”

Mo sez: “We need more help with the stickers!” More target hits mean more stickers to be stuck! HaHa!


Thank you to everyone for coming; I hope you’ll return to “do it again sometime!” to quote Richard Boone in the movie Hombre.

The next match is Saturday December 8, 2018.

We’ll do the “Kat Knocked Over the Christmas Tree” sweep, “Wyatt’s Fireplace Sweep”, the “Christmas Present” sweep, the “Seamus” sweep, and some version of the Krazy Thom sweep!

Remember, the quality goes in before the name goes on! HoHoHo!

Spectators and visitors are always welcome at our cowboy matches. Helpers too! Please wear your hearing protectors and your eye protection! It’s mandatory!

Thank you.

I hope to see you soon.

All my best,

Slow Mo Dern

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1953 Sharon Hogue Rd
Masury, Trumbull County 44438

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