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Cowboy Action in Niles, Ohio! Saturday December 8, 2018!

"Hey! Look! That's a snowman! It must be gettin' to be the Christmas Season!"

"Where's his arms? He doesn't have any arms! He's un-armed! Haha!"

"He must be the one Virgil Earp disarmed at the OK Corral!"

This is proof that Mo's story at the Saturday match was true!

Cowboy Action in Niles, Ohio!

Saturday December 27, 2018

Sleigh bells ring! Are you listening! In the range, Mo is…trying to tell ya how to shoot this stage! Hahahaha!

Thanks to Krazy Thom, I had a set of real, indestructible, horse sleigh bells to jingle when everyone’s attention was needed! It worked like a Christmas charm! These bells were the real deal! I was thinkin’ of changin’ my alias to Quasimodo or Quasi-bozo…

We had a posse of 18 Lake Park Raiders at the Niles, Ohio shootin’ shack to welcome in the merry month of December. We would have had 20 posse members but Muzzle Flash and Heartless Hanna couldn’t stay. They did bring us a week’s supply of cookies though! Thanks, folks! Urp!

This was our “second Saturday of the month match” and baby, it was cold outside! But we stayed nice and warm inside shooting up 5 fun-filled stages of pre-Christmas wacky-ness!

The Krazy Thom meets Bad EyeBob sweep was seen and shot along with Wyatt’s Fireplace and Lenny’s Christmas Tree! We also did the slightly complicated Seamus sweep and the Brunswick Kid’s Christmas Present sweep. All proven sweeps that are known to hold up under extreme combat conditions! Hohohoho!

After the smoke cleared:

Sixgun Seamus won first place! Congratulations, Seamus!

Master soup-maker, Swiftwater Jack came in second followed by New York’s own Low Plains Drifter!

Willy Goodnews was fourth followed by Krazy Thom at fifth and sixth place went to master bean soup-eater, Slow Mo Dern! Urp!

Clean shootin’ Hagen won the lucky seventh spot! Time to buy lottery tickets!

Flat Iron Mike was eighth place followed by Duelin’ Diehl at ninth.

Tenth place went to Turkey Flats Jack and eleventh place was won by the master-mind behind the wax bullet shotshell, Shenango Joe!

The Brunswick Kid finished in twelfth place followed by Laramie Leadslinger in the lucky thirteenth spot.

Cayenne Kay was the fourteenth place winner followed by the rugged T.J. Lawdog coming in fifteenth!

Smokeless Prairie Dawg landed in the sixteenth place and Rattlesnake Ruby got the seventeenth place spot.

Saving the best for last… coming in at a strong eighteenth place was Deadwood Dave!

Congratulations to all our winners and participants! Hoo-ray!

Clean shooters were Sixgun Seamus, Hagen, and the Brunswick Kid!

AwwSh**t recognition goes to Swiftwater Jack and Turkey Flats Jack!

Special thanks to Muzzle Flash and Heartless Hanna for bringing in all the cookies! Thanks, folks!

Thanks to Swiftwater Jack for sharing his bean soup with us! Just what is needed for those cold winter days, nights, and afternoons!

Thanks, Swiftwater! Thanks, too, for adding up all those scores!

Thanks to Missouri Jake for dropping by and also helping us with our scoring! Thanks, Jake!

Big thanks go to the Brunswick Kid and Hagen for setting out the stage scenarios without a map and the quickie lay-out of the last 2 stages during intermission!

Another big thanks to all who came out on a cold day to spend some time with friends doing what we love best! Thank you for all your help making the match run slicker than a Thom Duma timepiece!

Our next match will be on Thursday December 27, 2018.

It’s our Thursday Work-Shirker Open Class CAS Match!

Look for the... wait... lemme guess... The Krazy Thom sweep! I knew it!

There’s also gonna be the Santa’s Sleigh Bonus sweep, the Bad Hombre sweep, the Two-One-Two sweep, and the Guy Lombardo!

When it’s an Open Class match; you can shoot anyway your heart desires at any time the notion hits yuh! It’s OK!

Now is your chance to try it Gunfighter style, Lawman style, Double Duelist, etc. Choose your own adventure!

I might show up with a mirror and want to do it Annie Oakley style!

Whoa! That didn’t sound good! Forget I said that!

Last Thursday of the month! December 27, 2018! Write it on the wall!

We hope to see you!

Spectators and visitors are always welcome to our matches. Please wear your hearing protection and your eye protection.

So long for now.

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday Season!

All our best,

The Shenango River Rats and the Lake Park Raiders!

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1953 Sharon Hogue Rd
Masury, Trumbull County 44438

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