First Match of 2019! Saturday January 12, 2019!

"Howdy, pard! Happy New Year!''
"Howdy, yourself! I want to welcome you an' yer horse to my campsite! Here, have some coffee..."
"Hey, hoss. This coffee tastes like mud!"
"Of course it do! It wuz ground this morning! Hahahaha!
Now, git yore horse away from my biscuits!"
Next time that coffee will taste like apples!
Indoor CAS in Niles, Ohio!
Saturday January 12, 2019!
Happy New Year!
Speaking of brand new year’s…
Come join us, the Lake Park Raiders, for our first indoor match of the New Year!
C’mon over, plenty of shootin’ goin’ on! There’s always plenty of shootin’ goin’ on!
Five fun-filled stages of Old West wackiness!
Look for the Big Diamond, the Big Easy X, the Zig-Zig Krazy Thom, the Slow Mo Gunfighter’s Dream, and the wicked Three Musketeer sweep!
Good tastin' Coffee and Donuts in the morning!
Sorry, no lunch is scheduled so bring your snacks in case you git hongry!
Bring all the cowboy guns! 2 pistols, rifle, and shotgun!
Leave the shotgun ammo home!
12 gauge and 20 gauge indoor shotgun ammo will be provided by the club!
I hope to see you there!
Slow Mo Dern
Important notice:
Sorry folks, no Black Powder! The building’s too small to accommodate all our black powder aficionados but we still love you guys!
“Cowboy Action Shooting is a wonderful sport and these activities promote honesty, moral correctness, a love of history, and it’s a heck of a lot of fun!”
- David Chicoine
Think about it, where else could you go and dress up like a cowboy or western movie actor, talk like you were from Wyoming, even though you grew up in Akron, enjoy your favorite sport (shooting) and play the ham all at the same time without the slightest chance of being ridiculed?
Go out there and try it, you’ll be glad you did!