Thursday Work-Shirker Match! January 31, 2019! The Lake Park Raiders Ride Again!

"Hey, Mo! Lookee! She's shootin' Lawman Style!"
"Ask her if she wants any coffee! It wuz ground this morning! Hahahah!
"She's too smart to fall for that old joke! Speakin' of old jokes, how you been, Mo?"
January 2019 is history!
Can you believe it?
January has come and gone and now we’re looking at Ground Hog Day, Super Bowl Sunday, Chinese New Year, the Daytona 500, Valentine’s Day, and President’s Day; the month of February!
Shortest month of the year!
Let’s back up a bit…
The last day of January fell on the last Thursday and we all know what that means!
The Thursday Work-Shirker Open Class CAS Match!
Seventeen shooters braved the brutal cold weather and made the trek to Niles, Ohio to shoot a match indoors with the Lake Park Raiders!
The Brunswick Kid was one of the seventeen but he wasn’t shootin’ any, he helped us with our 5 stage set-up, beaucoup target patchin’, and any little thing that needed done.
Thanks, Kid! See you in February!
Match results and placements:
Swiss. First Place! Congratulations, Swiss!
Cheatin’ Charlie; one of the nicest guys we know!
Another nice guy we know, Sixgun Seamus!
Slow Mo Dern, saw his shadow, went back home to hibernate.
Krazy Thom. Kraziest man we know!
Billy Badazz! Another nice guy!
Clean shootin’ Regulator, Shenango Joe!
Master score-keeper and Cattle Baron, Swiftwater Jack!
Turkey Flats Jack, black powder extraordinaire.
Multi-talented Bo Jack formerly known as Muzzle Flash!
Eldorado Jim. There’s a car named after him!
Work-shirker and Master Gunfighter Laramie Leadslinger!
Hagen, master of smoke and fire!
Expert Duelist, Duelin’ Diehl, best Diehl in town!
Longtime Cowboy shooter, Rattlesnake Ruby.
Saving the best for last, big-hearted Heartless Hanna!
Clean shooters were Cheatin’ Charlie, Shenango Joe, and Eldorado Jim!
AwwShoot! Recognition for this match goes to Sixgun Seamus, Krazy Thom, and the artist formerly known as Muzzle Flash!
Super nice-guy Billy Badazz came by and filmed the match; I hope he got some classic material for the archives! It was almost jest like old times! Good to see him again!
Newly retired Eldorado Jim came to sling some serious lead with us too! He warned us he’ll be back to do it again sometime!
Welcome back, Eldorado! Wasn’t there a movie named after him too...?
Big thanks to everyone for coming out! Thanks for all your help with set-up, take-down, registration, target-patching, score-keeping, timer operation, and all the big and little posse duties essential for putting on a smooth running cowboy match!
Thanks to Hagen and the Brunswick Kid for their expertise in slapping up scenarios we can quickly destroy in a goodly state of merriment and timely fashion! They are real professionals!
Bargains galore! Thanks to everybody who brought in merchandise for the “Cowboy Store”. Give your old stuff a new home!
On a more serious note:
Ohio Silver is contending with some health issues right now so please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers. We’re wishing him a speedy recovery and hopefully he’ll be back among us in short order! Thank you.
Our next Niles, Ohio match will be Saturday February 09, 2019!
We’ll engage another incarnation of the Krazy Thom Sweep and Slow Mo’s The Middle of Nevada Sweep!
That’s sure to confuse and bewilder all but the sharpest coffee drinkers!
Other scenarios will include the Big Square, the Four Hombres, and the Ol’Ohio sweep! It’ll be fun, just wait and see – should be the cause of mucho jollification and debate!
Visitors and spectators are always welcome to our CAS matches, indoors and outdoors, but hearing protection and eye protection is always required; we want you to be safe.
Important notice:
Sorry friends, no Black Powder! The building is too small for Black Powder but we still love you folks!
Go Outlaw Style and try this new smokeless stuff!
The posse cain't tell which rock yore hidin' behind!
See you on the trail!
All my best,
Slow Mo Dern
“Cowboy Action Shooting is a wonderful sport and these activities promote honesty, moral correctness, a love of history, and it’s a heck of a lot of fun!”
- David Chicoine
Think about it, where else could you go and dress up like a cowboy or western movie actor, talk like you were from Wyoming, even though you grew up in Akron, enjoy your favorite sport (shooting) and play the ham all at the same time without the slightest chance of being ridiculed?
Go out there and try it, you’ll be glad you did!