Lake Park Raiders Rode Again! Saturday February 09, 2019! Yeehaaww!

"Hey! What's this kid doin'?"
"Looks like he's eatin' Deadwood Dave's famous gourmet chili with relish!"
"Naw, that ain't relish! It's Fritos!"
Big Thanks to Deadwood Dave for feeding all us 'hongry' cowboys at the end of Saturday's CAS match!
Mo sez, "Once you eat chili with Fritos; you'll never go back to crackers!"
All our winners and participants for the
Saturday Indoor CAS match in Niles, Ohio on
February 09, 2019!
Match placements:
I.M. Crossdraw! First Place Winner! Congratulations!
Clean shootin’ Johnny Shiloh.
Mr. CAS himself: Sixgun Seamus!
Clean shootin’ Swiftwater Jack!
Gentleman Gunfighter, Willy Goodnews!
Krazy Thom; the “H” is silent! That’s jest Krazy!
T.J. Lawdog! Lucky seventh place! Buy some lottery tickets, T.J!
Living Ohio legend, Cheatin’ Charlie!
Slow Mo Dern! Keeps gettin’ a “P” on his own scenarios! Oops!
Rye Miles! Thanks for all your help, Rye!
Clean shootin’ Duelin’ Diehl! Best Diehl in town!
Twelfth place goes to the master of fire and smoke, Hagen!
Lucky Thirteen! Good friend, Blazin’ Cain!
Master Gunfighter and all around nice guy, Laramie Leadslinger!
Master wax-bullet shot-shell fabricator Shenango Joe!
Long-time cowboy shooter, Hershey Barr! Welcome back to Niles!
The always dapper Turkey Flats Jack!
Our ol’ friend Prairie Dawg, master of the dark side!
Rattlesnake Ruby! Another long-time cowboy shooter and pard!
Bo Jak! The talented artist formerly known as Muzzle Flash….
Classy Ceyenne Kay!
J.R. Holiday. New shooter and a super nice guy!
Deadwood Dave. Thanks for lunch, Dave! It was excellent!
Saving the best for last: Heartless Hanna, coming in strong at twenty fourth place!
Johnny Shiloh, Swiftwater Jack, and Duelin’ Diehl all shot a clean match! Congratulations, guys!
AwwSh**t recognition today goes to Willy Goodnews, Krazy Thom, Rattlesnake Ruby, Bo Jak, and J.R. Holiday! One hit away from a clean match! AwwSh**t!
AwwSh**t recognition also goes to the Lake Park Raiders; we missed breaking our record of 24 shooters by one! Twenty five would have broken the record! AwwSh**t!
Wyatt N. Erdy! Where were you!
Congratulations to all our Winners and Participants! YeeHaawww!
Baby, it was cold outside! Colder than polar bear hair! That’s cold!
We stayed nice and warm inside shootin’ up 5 easy stages and scenarios of push-pinned paper targets that were hangin’ around the north wall of the Western Reserve Fish and Gamer Club in the sleepy little town of Niles, Ohio.
No Clang! But plenty of Bang! as we did the Krazy Thom sweep, the Ohio sweep, the Big Square, Mo’s No End in Sight sweep, the Four Bad Hombres, and even threw a foam, faux brick at Johnny Ringo’s picture window! Talk about smiles and laughter! It was harder than it looked!
" Happy Valentine’s Day!"
Johnny Shiloh looked like the best brick chucker to me!
Rye Miles might have set a new record for being the “Shooter most hit with a foam faux brick at a CAS match!” Hahahah!
We want to welcome new shooter J.R. Holiday! He was slingin’ lead like an ol’hand and I hope he returns to do it again; he looks like a serious contender!
Eldorado Jim stopped by to help and say “Hi!” I didn’t recognize him in his baseball cap! Thanks for your help, Eldorado!
Turkey Flats Jack brought his father and maybe “Dad” will want to start Cowboy shootin’ again! Niles is a good place to start back in!
The Lake Park Raiders welcome back to Niles, I.M.Crossdraw, Johnny Shiloh, Hershey Barr, and Blazin’ Cain!
Please keep the Brunswick Kid, Flat Iron Mike, Ohio Silver, Curly, Mrs. Curly, Lenny James, and all our friends who couldn’t attend the match in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you.
Big thanks go to everyone for coming out to shoot and supporting us and thank you for all the help setting up, taking down, table and blanket hauling, timer operating, scoring and figuring, target patching, and all the other posse tasks involved in having a successful CAS match.
Thanks too for bringing stuff in for the “cowboy store” where you can purchase new and used CAS related items to make your life mo’ better!
Deadwood Dave! Thank you for bringing in the cooker full of your excellent gourmet chili and all the proper utensils to devour it! Once you start puttin’ Fritos corn chips on chili – you can’t go back to crackers! Good choice! No foolin’! Urp!
Our next match will be our Thursday Work-Shirker Open Class CAS Match on February 28, 2019!
Look for the current rendition of the famous Krazy Thom sweep, the Two-One-Two sweep, the Nevada sweep with a bonus, the Dead Man’s Hand scenario, and the Veddy Badman Gunfighter configuration!
A good time might be had by all! Hahahahah!
Visitors and spectators are always welcome to come watch. Wear your safety glasses and hearing protection! We want you to be safe!
I hope to see you at the next match! Or the one after!
Or the one after that.....
All the best,
Slow Mo Dern and all the Lake Park Raiders!