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Indoor CAS in Niles, Ohio! Thursday February 28, 2019!

"Hey! Look at whut the Lake Park Raiders built out'a slabs!"

"They built a whole barn!"

"Maybe they're hidin' a big elk!"

"Maybe they've got a whole herd!"

Indoor CAS at Niles, Ohio. Thursday Work-Shirker CAS Match!

February 28, 2019.

Quote of the Day: “Yuh gotta think!” – Sixgun Seamus

I love that! Hahahaha!

Match and Contestant placement:

First Place: Willy Goodnews! Congratulations, Willy!

Second place: Cheatin’ Charlie!

Third: Clean shootin’ Swiftwater Jack!

Fourth place: Sixgun Seamus!

Fifth place: Clean shootin’ T.J. Law Dog!

Sixth place: Krazy Thom…the “H” is still silent!

Lucky number seventh place: Hagen! Clean and smooth.

Eighth place: New York’s own Low Plains Drifter!

Ninth: Turkey Flats Jack! Fastest target patcher in the shootin’ shack!

Tenth place spot goes to Slow Mo Dern! Yippee!

Eleventh place goes to Mr. Duelin’ Diehl! Best Diehl in town!

Bob Town Cooter came in at twelfth place!

Shenango Joe took the lucky thirteenth spot!

Missouri Jake came in at fourteenth place with the good-lookin’ pistolas!

Fifteenth place went to Laramie Leadslinger!

Ohio’s black powder guru, Prairie Dawg, got sixteenth place!

Clean shootin’ Brunswick Kid came in at seventeen!

Eighteenth place went to Eldorado Jim!

Nineteenth place went to Rattlesnake Ruby!

Pennsylvania’s long legged Lawless Lorin was number 20 and our good friend Curly was number 21!

Clean shooters were Swiftwater Jack, T.J. Law Dog, Hagen, and the Brunswick Kid.

AwwSh**t recognition went to Duelin’ Diehl, Rattlesnake Ruby, and Missouri Jake. Yaaay!

Congratulations to all our winners and participants!

Twenty one shooters made the geographical transition over to Niles, Ohio to participate in the Thursday Work-Shirker Open Class CAS Match on last day of February 2019!

Prairie Dawg said, “A great time was had by all!”

We did the Straight Krazy Thom, the Two-One-Two, Wyatt N. Erdy’s Dead Man’s Hand complete with a pair of good-lookin’ hands, and Mo’s Middle of Nevada scenario!

“It sure didn’t look like Winnemucca, Nevada! Too many “P’s!”

We also did the Veddy Badman sweep! Best sweep for Gunfighters this side of Mosquito!

Veddy Badman, where are yoooooouuuuuu……

Missouri Jake joined us today and brought his shiny-nickle Outlaw revolvers! This was his first match in a while and I haven’t seen him this happy in months! He went home with a ribbon too!

It was good to see Curly again and Lawless Lorin and Willy Goodnews from Pennsylvania. Low Plains Drifter came out from New York and Bob Town Cooter came up from “down South.”

Flat Iron Mike dropped by to say, “Howdy!” He hasn’t been this happy in about 18 months!

He got his new hip working like it’s supposed to and now he can sit in a chair like a normal cowboy! He’ll be back shootin’ before you know it!

We want to thank everyone for all your fine and generous help to make this Thursday Work-Shirker match a complete success.

The match ran as smooth as my Thom Duma pocket watch!

Thanks to everyone who brought and bought items to and from our “Cowboy Store!” Bargains galore!


Special thoughts on the serious side for a moment:

Some of our friends and their loved ones are facing some serious challenges, grief, and troubling times right now so please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you.

It might be a comfort if they know we’re thinking of them.

Our next Niles indoor match will be Saturday March 9, 2019.

Five more fast and furious stages of fun and frolic!

Look for another rendition of a Krazy Thom sweep, a Zig-Zag sweep, a Double Tap sweep, a round count, and/or a bonus, or something resurrected from the ancient archives! We’ll have a blast!

Visitors and spectators are always welcome to come watch. Please bring your eye protection and hearing protectors. Thank you.

We hope to see you soon.

All our best,

Slow Mo Dern and all the Lake Park Raiders!

Please note: All our indoor matches are smokeless powder only. Thank you.

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