Indoor Cowboy Action with the Lake Park Raiders! Saturday March 09, 2019!

"Hey! Look! It's the Lake Park Raiders!"
"They must be gonna shoot a CAS match! I didn't know it wuz Saturday already!"
"They look like they're ready to party!"
Three armed hombres converge on the Niles Shootin' Shack to hang, punch, and patch serious paper!
Indoor Cowboy Action with the Lake Park Raiders in Niles, Ohio!
It’s time for another Indoor Cowboy Action Match!
Saturday March 09, 2019!
The time has come to meet us again over at the sleepy little town of Niles, Ohio where we can have a blast puttin’ holes in a whole new slew of nasty, wicked squares of special paper jest made to be perforated!
This special paper is 35% larger than last years’ paper and is just as shootable if not more so!
Watch the holes appear as if by magic!
You will place in the top 25 for sure! AND at last years’ prices too!
What a deal! The second best deal in town! Would I lie to you?
Would I say something that wasn’t true?
Doors open at about 8:30am *** Sign-up is at 9:00am
Lead down range at about 10:00am right after the
Welcome greeting, safety meeting and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Match fee is only 10 dollars!
Coffee and Donuts!
No lunch will be served so bring your own snacks to ward off HONGER!
Vending machines are available for sodas and snacks!
Bring all your cowboy guns!
Raffle, hog-legs, and Mr. Side-by-side or Mr. 1897!
12 gauge and 20 gauge shotgun rounds will be provided by the club!
We’ll do 5 fun-filled stages of Old West style paper punchin’ jest like it wuz done in days gone by!
Look for the Big X, the current rendition of the Krazy Thom, the Josey Wales sweep, and 2 other big surprises!
Feel free to go outside and cool off if ya git too hot!
Remember to check out the “Cowboy Store” when you get to our Niles match!
The “cowboy store” is new and used cowboy/cowgirl related items that are for sale and in need of a good home!
There’s everything from hardware to snappy duds!
One never knows what items will be available; the items change twice a month!
You can also bring your own items you’d like see have a new home.
Visitors and spectators are always welcome but wear your safety glasses and hearing protectors; it’s mandatory.
I hope to see you there.
All the best,
Slow Mo Dern
Ps: Sorry folks! Smokeless powder only! Thanks! -- Mo