The Lake Park Raiders Rode Again! Saturday March 09, 2019! YeeHaw!

"Wow! These guys look magnificent!"
"Are they goin' out for coffee? Tell'em to go see Mo!"
"Mo's coffee tastes like mud!"
"Of course it do! It wuz ground this morning!" sez Mo!
Indoor Cowboy Action in Niles, Ohio
Saturday March 09, 2019
A posse of 12 took to the range in Niles, Ohio last Saturday to spend some quality time with the Lake Park Raiders shooting up the cardboard covered north wall of the Western Reserve Fish and Gamer shootin’ shack!
The weather was beautiful outside and got better as the day went on. It makes a person think that Spring is on its way at last!
This week we did the Krazy Thom stage, the Big X, and the ever popular Josey Wales sweep as well as Mo’s Outside Workin’ In sweep and the cowboy range Diminished sweep adapted for the North Wall of the shootin’ shack! A great time was had by all!
Here are all our posse members and how they placed:
Cheatin’ Charlie! First place! Congratulations, Charlie! LOL!
Willy Goodnews came in second! “Ain’t that good news?”
Slow Mo Dern! Third place! Good news and a “wonderment!”
Clean-shootin’ Hagen came in fourth!
Clean shootin’ Swiftwater Jack came in fifth!
A well-dressed Turkey Flats Jack got the sixth place spot!
Lucky seventh place again went to Shenango Joe! Don’t forget to buy those lottery tickets!
The eighth place went to our good pal, La Porte Lefty!
The clean-shootin’ Bruckswick Kid with the hot-lookin’ pistolas took the ninth place spot! Fine shootin’ Kid!
Krazy Thom finished tenth! Is that right? No, that’s Krazy!
Hard workin’ Deadwood Dave won eleventh place and last but not least, El Dorado Jim was our twelfth place winner shooting Wild Bunch!
Our clean shooters were Hagen, Swiftwater Jack, and the Brunswick Kid! Congratulations, pards!
Quite a feat!
AwwSh**t recognition for this match goes to Willy Goodnews, Shenango Joe, and Slow Mo Dern.
Congratulations to all our winners, champions, and contestants!
Big thanks to Missouri Jake for stopping by to visit and helping us patch the targets! Thanks, Jake!
Big thanks also to all our timer operators, score keepers, target patchers, brass pickers, and everyone else too numerous to mention, for helping put on a successful, smooth running, cowboy match!
New shooter Shotgun Sherm came by to see what CAS and SASS is all about. He met Joe and Swiftwater Jack at the gun show and was invited over. He did pretty well for a first time! I hope we see him again sometime!
El Dorado’s pal Ray stopped by too and had a blast! We might see him again too!
Thanks to everyone who loaned them their hardware for a spell so they could experience a fun and joyful potential new hobby!
Flat Iron Mike stopped by for a visit; he’s looking better and better! He might be “back in the saddle” for next time an’ he might could whup us all! Hahaha!
Thanks to all the folks who brought items for our “cowboy store” where new and used items that need a new home can be brought in and parted with for a reasonable fistful of cabbage.
There is everything from “snappy duds to hardware!” Be sure to check it out at the next match; it’s in the coffee room.
Remember all our friends who couldn’t attend and keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
A big Get Well Soon wish goes out to everyone who’s under the weather and well-wishes to everyone who’s out on the road away from home. We wish you and yours a safe trip and a safe trip home.
Our next indoor cowboy match is the:
Thursday Work-Shirker Open Class CAS Match
March 28, 2019 in Niles, Ohio!
Look for the DTDTST sweep, a straight Krazy Thom, Johnny Ringo’s DT Easter Eggs, the Four Bad Hombres, and the Easter Bunny vs. the Prairie Python!
That’s 5 fun-filled stages of fantastic fury! It’ll be fun!
Visitors and spectators are always welcome at our matches but must wear eye protection and hearing protection! Thanks!
See you real soon,
Slow Mo Dern