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Thursday Work-Shirker Open Class CAS Match in Niles, Ohio! March 28, 2019 with the Lake Park Raider

"Hey, isn't that Mo's horse? Ol' Spark Plug?"

"What's he want? Is he makin' fun of us?"

"Naw, he jest wants another one of those tequila suckers!"

"Speakin' of 'tequila suckers', how you been, Mo?"

Indoor Cowboy Action in Niles, Ohio with the Lake Park Raiders!

March 28, 2019 Thursday Work-Shirker Open Class CAS Match!

Another good time was had by all over at the Western Reserve Fish and Gamer Association Club and Shootin’ Shack!

Everything fell into place like well-greased cogs in a modern-day mechanical contraption! I kid you not!

Eighteen gunslingers and pistoleros came out to do it at the monthly Thursday Work-Shirker Cowboy and Cowgirl match and do it they did!

First Place went to krazy orienteering expert, Krazy Thom! He can tell you right where to go by lookin’ at’cher watch!

Second place went to expert score-keeper and mathematician, clean shootin’ Swiftwater Jack! Thanks, Jack!

All around nice guy, Willy Goodnews was our third place winner!

Fourth place went to first class contestant announcer and expert of original quotes, Sixgun Seamus!

Hard working Hagen, the man of many talents, came in fifth place!

Clean-shootin’ Slow Mo Dern won the sixth place spot fair n’ square followed by LaPorte Lefty, the happiest cowboy shooter at the match!

Say “Howdy!” to Missus Lefty for us and buy some lottery tickets on the way home, Lefty, bein’ seventh place an’ all… "that's good luck!"

Duelin’ Diehl, master of the ’52 Ford 8N and expert driver of the Brookfield Geographical Transitioner and Guncart Shuttle, came in strong at eighth place!

Ninth place went to lead-slingin’ Laramie Leadslinger! He’s an asset to any posse!

Good friend and copier wizard Bob Town Cooter won the tenth place spot! He’s another good pard to have on yer posse! He does a lot for us; thanks Cooter!

Clean shootin’ El Dorado Jim, our Wild Bunch aficionado, finished in eleventh place shootin’ the sixguns this time! Clean is good!

Bo Jak wuz doin’ good today too! He placed twelfth; he’s the artist formerly known as Muzzle Flash!

Work shirkin’ and hard-workin’ Turkey Flats Jack with the good-lookin’ lucky black hat finished in the lucky thirteenth position! Don’t forget those tickets on the way home, Jack!

Missouri Jake, master of the Remington Outlaws, avid .22 caliber aficionado, and expert score-keepin’ mathematician came in at number fourteen! Thanks, Jake!

Brunswick’s own Brunswick Kid shot another clean match and won himself the fifteenth place with a set of super, good-lookin’ mis-matched pistolas! YeeHaww!

Whoa! What’s this! Heartless Hanna is officially out of the basement coming in at sixteenth place! Sweet sixteen! Congratulations, Hanna!

Our good friend, Rattlesnake Ruby, placed seventeenth followed by another good friend, Sam Winterbuck finishing in the eighteenth place!

Clean shooters were Swiftwater Jack, El Dorado Jim, Brunswick Kid, and Mister Mo.

This was a good day for Slow Mo! He got his first clean match at Niles!

He even jacked a live round out of his rifle by mistake, loaded a fresh one through the gate and hit the last rifle target Lawman style! YeeHaww! Ain’t that a wonderment! Ol’Gus would be proud!

He was wearing his “Gus hat” too! As Gus would say, “That’s good luck!”

AwwSh**t recognition goes to Krazy Thom, that’s krazy! He went home with a green first class AwwSh**t poker chip from the Lake Park Raiders! Wow!

Congratulations to all our winners and participants! Salute!

The Lake Park Raiders welcome old friend, Sam Winterbuck to the Niles Shootin’ Shack! It was his first time punchin’ paper on the wall and experiencing the thrill of the wax bullet loaded shotgun shells!

We hope to see him again soon!

Shenango Joe dropped in with his brand new knee to see what condition our condition was in and to say, "Howdy!" He’ll be back shootin’ in no time!

We had a real timely and smooth running match; we’ve turned into a posse of pros -- everyone knows exactly what to do and we thank you!

It is a real pleasure spending a day with good friends and having more fun than a barrel full of exited monkeys!

Special thanks to Heartless Hanna for cleaning up the kitchen, coffee pots, and making sure everything was unplugged.

Big thanks to Swiftwater Jack – he made the shotgun shells for the match this time and he did a good job too!

I didn’t miss one shotgun target this time; he musta rifled’em somehow!

Please remember that Friday March 29, 2019 is Viet Nam Veterans Day so thank these folks for their service when you see them. Thank you.

Our next match is Saturday April 13, 2019.

There will be 5 new or old scenarios guaranteed to entice you to pull them pistols and put a few new holes in whatever targets are hanging around the north wall complete with a nice diagram and instructions on how to engage each one!

We hope to see you there!

Spectators and visitors are always welcome.

All the best to you and thank you for your support,

Slow Mo Dern

and all the Lake Park Raiders!

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