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Indoor CAS with the Lake Park Raiders! Niles, Ohio. Saturday April 13, 2019!

"Whoa! Who is this dude racked out in the grass? I didn't know it was Margarita Season already!"

"That's Mo after the Indoor CAS match in Niles, Ohio! I think he's jest tarred!"

"Tarred! I think he's whooped!"

"Ya gotta be whooped to take a nap in the horse pasture! Yikes!"

Indoor CAS in Niles, Ohio with the Lake Park Raiders!

Saturday April 13, 2019!

That’s right!

Friday the thirteenth came on a Saturday this month!

It was a beautiful day for an outdoor cowboy match but we were having a beautiful day indoors laughing an’ joking an’ doing what we like best – shootin’ guns!

First place went to Swiftwater Jack! Congratulations, Jack!

Second place went to Fast Mo Dern!

New York’s Low Plains Drifter came in third.

Hagen got fourth place and Pennsylvania’s Willy Goodnews got fifth place.

Sixth place went to Duelin’ Diehl and Flat Iron Mike was seventh.

El Dorado Jim was eighth followed by Rattlesnake Ruby in ninth.

Tenth place went to Deadwood Dave and going smokeless today was Connecticut’s Jocko coming in at eleventh place.

Wyatt N. Erdy was number twelve and last but not least at thirteenth place was new shooter, Double Diehl!

There were no clean shooters today! “Ain’t that a wonderment!”

AwwSh**t recognition goes to Swiftwater Jack and Hagen.

Congratulations to all our winners and participants!

Shenango Joe drew tickets for the snazzy Colt Gold Inlay knife and a snazzy wooden box and the winner was Heartless Hanna! She and Bo Jak weren’t at the match! Oh,no!

You had to be present to win so Joe drew another ticket and the winner was … the Brunswick Kid!

The Brunswick Kid wasn’t at the match either! AwwSh**t!

Another ticket was drawn and the winner was Hagen! It was Hagen’s lucky day! He won the snazzy wooden box and the Colt Gold Inlay knife plus a couple of famous brand band-aids jest in case! Hahaha!

How Tony is that!

Congratulations, Hagen! Get some tickets on the way home!

Thanks to everyone for coming to Niles and spending time punching the north wall paper with the Lake Park Raiders! A good time was had by all!

Duelin’ Diehl’s son, Double Diehl, joined us for 5 fun-filled cowboy stages and I hope he’ll come see us again some time. He said he had fun! Maybe next time he comes, we’ll be outdoors!

Our next match is the last indoor match of the season.

It’s the Thursday Work Shirker Open Class CAS Match!

Thursday April 25, 2019! Indoors at Niles, Ohio!

Look for the Krazy Thom and the Long Krazy Thom, Johnny Ringo’s Daisy Flower Bed, the Four or Five Bad Hombres, and the Rattlesnake sweep! Nobody’s that lucky!

I hope to see you there!

Visitors and spectators are always welcome!

All the best,

Slow Mo Dern

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Masury, Trumbull County 44438

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