CAS at Brookfield! Saturday May 11, 2019! With the Shenango River Rats!

"Geez, lady! Take it easy! I'm just the neighborhood surly bartender!"
"We're fresh out of Bourbon Creme but how 'bout a coffee instead?"
"I know it tastes like mud, it was ground this morning but gimme a break!'
"Is that fringe on yer jacket or jest yer caterpillar fingers? Hahahahah!"
Don't mess with lady gunslingers!
Cowboy Action at the Brookfield Conservation Club in Masury, Ohio!
Saturday May 11, 2019!
It was the season opener for the Shenango River Rats, down at the cowboy range known as Yankee Flats at the Brookfield Club.
Match placement is as follows:
New York’s own Inspector Holmes won first place! Congratulations, Inspector!
Second place was won by clean-shootin’ Cheatin’ Charlie.
Third place was won by clean-shootin’ Swiftwater Jack.
Johnny Shilo was fourth and had a clean match.
Krazy Thom was fifth overall and first place in Silver Senior.
Willy Goodnews was sixth!
T.J. LawDog was seventh with an AwwSh**t ribbon and a second place silver senior ribbon.
Gunfighter Rowdy Red Tailor was eighth. Thanks for all your help, Rowdy Red!
Slow Mo was “Number 9, number 9, number 9, number 9…….”
Hagen was tenth doing Frontier Cartridge.
Flat Iron Mike was eleventh.
New York’s Low Plains Drifter came in twelfth.
Jocko was Lucky Thirteen! “Clean with a brown ribbon!” That’s what I heard!
Shenango Joe was fourteenth.
Classic Cowboy and Cowboy Fast Draw aficionado Willy Miss was fifteenth. Excellent placement for this “first-time shooter!”
Wagon Master and Geographical Transitioner Duelin’ Diehl was sweet sixteen! Thanks for your help, DD!
Outlaw pistolero, the Brunswick Kid, came in strong at seventeenth place. Nice shootin’ Kid!
El Dorado Jim was number eighteen today.
Rattlesnake Ruby was nineteen followed by Deadwood Dave at twenty and Bo Jak came in at twenty one.
Blue Ribbon winner Heartless Hanna was twenty two!
We always save the best for last! Thanks for all your help, Heartless!
Congratulations to all our winners and participants!
Big thanks to everyone for all your help making this season opener a big success.
22 shooters came out to do it under the trees at the Brookfield Conservation Club and we had the nicest, best day of the year so far!
We had a few spectators and visitors and I hope they enjoyed what they witnessed and I do hope they come back to give Cowboy Action Shooting a try.
Warm thoughts and prayers go out to the folks that couldn’t attend due to life’s challenges but know that all your cowboy friends are thinking of you and wish you the best.
Our next match is the Thursday Work-Shirker Match
on Thursday May 30, 2019.
We hope to see you there and we hope the weather will be as nice or even nicer than it was on Saturday!
Visitors and spectators are always welcome but please bring your safety glasses and hearing protectors. Safety is first priority.
All our best,
Slow Mo Dern
and all the Shenango River Rats