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Thursday CAS with the Shenango River Rats! May 30, 2019! Thank you!

"Lookit that wall! That is quite a wall! I thought them River Rats were gonna build a fence! "

"We need the Department of da Fence! They're gonna build da fence..."

"These guys are the Department of da Wall!"

Thursday Work Shirker Open Class CAS Match with the

Shenango River Rats!

Thursday May 30, 2019! This was last Thursday!

Howdy, pards!

Match placement was as follows:

  1. Cheatin’ Charlie

  2. Sixgun Seamus

  3. Swiftwater Jack

  4. Shenango Joe

  5. Hagen

  6. Slow Mo Dern

  7. Duelin’ Diehl

  8. Brunswick Kid

  9. Bo Jak

  10. Rattlesnake Ruby

  11. Willie Miss

Congratulations to all our winners, contestants, and participants!


“Well ain’t this a frosty Friday!”

No, wait! It was a rainy Thursday!

We shot 5 fun-filled stages under the roof at the 25 yard range and a good time was had by all! “All” being 11 shooters, friends, spectators, and some bewildered chipmunks!

There was a double tap Nevada sweep and an Abilene sweep, a double tap 5 out of 6 sweep and a 2 plate progressive, and the four bad hombres! Rifles, pistols, and shotguns! Oh, my!

We did it “up top” out of the rain, high and dry, and under the roof! Best thing since sliced bread!

Big thanks to Bo Jak for making us a slew of rainy day target stands for just such an occasion!

It looks like the Brunswick Kid was our only clean contestant on this day. Congratulations, Kid!

AwwShoot! recognition went to Joe and Mo! Close only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades! No cigars today!

Thanks be to Curly, he came in to help with the match and to photograph all the action and ….

Thanks to Missouri Jake. He was our score keeper and handled the sign-up and registration.

Thanks guys. You were a big help doing some important duties!

A “big thank you” goes out to everyone who attended and made this a success. Everyone pitched in with chores and we pulled off a timely match that was running like a well-oiled Winchester clone from Shenango Joe!

Another big thank you goes out to all the fine folks who came in early, stayed late, and helped make this match a reality.

We have a very dedicated crew and I thank you.

Our next match is Saturday June 8, 2019!

It will either be down at the cowboy range called Yankee Flats, or up under the roof if it’s raining.

Look for 5 stages of fun and excitement! We’ll be ringing steel, shootin’ bad guys, shootin’ birds, shootin’ rats, plates, chickens, and even maybe shootin’ an antlered quadruped that might decide to make a geographical transition across the stage on its way to the Shenango River and cabbage patch. YeeHawww!

There’s a good chance lunch will be served bein’ Saturday an’ all.

Lunch is 5 bucks and rumor has it that we’re having pulled pork sandwiches!

Bring plenty of shotgun shells 'cause there's a hotel with rats in it!

I hope to see you then. Look for this week’s announcement on the SASS wire. It’s one of the best ways to communicate in the SASS community and to see what’s going on.

Thank you for your support!

All our best,

The Shenango River Rats

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1953 Sharon Hogue Rd
Masury, Trumbull County 44438

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