Howdy! Thursday CAS at Brookfield! June 27, 2019! Work Shirker Match!

"Whoa! What's this? Why, it looks like a cowgirl drinking coffee!"
"I hope it's not Mo's coffee! It tastes like mud!"
"I heard they don't let Mo make the coffee!"
"Can't be Mo's coffee -- the bottom of the cup is still intact! Haw, haw!"
Cowboy Action at Brookfield with the Shenango River Rats!
Thursday Work Shirker Open Class Match!
June 27, 2019!
Hear ye! Here, YeeeHaw!
It’s time for another CAS match in the great outdoors at the Brookfield Conservation Club!
Come out and shoot 5 fun-filled stages of true western wackiness and goodly merriment!
Doors and gates open at around 8:15 am.
Helpers are always welcome, there’s plenty to do!
Sign-up and registration is at 9:00 am.
Lead goes down-range promptly somewhere around 10:00 am. - after the Pledge of Allegiance, Shooters Welcome, and safety meeting.
No lunch will be available so bring some snacks, grub, or vittles if you plan on gittin’ hongry!
Shoot all day at last year’s prices! What a deal!
Big targets, little targets, moving targets, stationary targets that should be moving, stand up targets, knock-down targets, rats, elks, birds, ringing steel, and dull thuds! It’s all part of the fun!
Look for the Abilene sweep, Bad dos Hombres, Cactus Joe at the Corral, the Skunk Cabbage Patch, and Anything Goes at the Fort!
“The air will be filled with gun smoke” or that new modern outlaw powder!
If it rains; we will shoot 5 stages “under the roof” at the 25 yard pistol range across from the garage where the tractors are kept.
Trust me; a good time will be had by most everybody!
Visitors and spectators are always welcome here! Wear your safety glasses and hearing protection! Be safe, not sorry!
Rain or Shine!
I hope to see you there!
Slow Mo Dern
and the Shenango River Rats