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Brookfield, Ohio CAS with the Shenango River Rats! July 13, 2019!

"Hey, Blondie! Look! It's Angel Eyes!"

"What's kinda gun is that? It looks like a 'Hollywood Special!"

"Looks like he's waiting for the 'beep' on stage number two!"

"He's in Yankee Flats, all right. See the dirt piles?"

Angel Eyes tries to figure out if the elk is gonna move...

CAS at the Brookfield Conservation Club with the

Shenango River Rats! Saturday July 13, 2019!

The day was a hot one! Hot and muggy!

The weather man promised an 11 mph breeze! Just the thing to blow the smoke away and cool us all off! Didn’t happen! AwwSh**t!

We still had a ton of fun shooting 5 fun-filled stages in the shade with our best cowboy and cowgirl friends and a big cooler full of Sam’s Club’s best bottled water!

Our first place winner was Lenny James! Congratulations, Lenny!

Cheatin’ Charlie came in second and Rowdy Red Tailor came in third.

Clean-shootin’ T.J. Law Dog finished in fourth place followed by New York’s own Low Plains Drifter in fifth.

La Porte Lefty finished in sixth place and the lucky seventh place went to Willy Goodnews.

Eighth place went to Hagen, hardest workin’ Outlaw on the range!

Krazy Thom was our ninth place winner, ain’t that a wonderment!

Flat Iron Mike was our tenth place winner and Mr. Bobtown Cooter finished in the eleventh place spot!

Slow Mo Dern was number twelve and Shenango Joe came in at the lucky number thirteenth spot! How lucky is that!!

Easy going El Dorado Jim finished fourteenth followed by the Brunswick Kid! The Brunswick Kid was fifteenth.

Rattlesnake Ruby was sixteenth and Comacho Dan, Dan the Man, finished at number seventeenth. Welcome back, Dan!

The lovely cowgirl Lindy Lu came in strong at number eighteen. We always save the best for last.

Duelin’ Diehl was next followed by Deadwood Dave. They both had to leave too soon.

I believe T. J. Law Dog was our only clean shooter. Congratulations, TJ!

AwwSh**t recognition goes to Low Plains Drifter, Shenango Joe, and the Brunswick Kid.

Congratulations to all our winners and contestants!


Special thanks to Missouri Jake for working the sign-up table, keeping score, and loaning us the use of his trailer. Thanks, Jake!

A big thank you to Mrs. Rattlesnake Ruby for making us muffins and thanks to Rattlesnake Ruby for sharing them with us!

Our next match at Brookfield will be on

Thursday July 25, 2019!

It’s our Last Thursday of the Month Work Shirker

Open Class CAS Match!

Shoot any style you want, any time you want! Choose your own adventure! I think I’ll try what’s known as Lawman Style! Ha!

Look for some Nevada sweeps, an Indiana sweep, maybe a “MO bonus” over at the hotel, and the usual rats, birds, plates, and of course the Krazy Thom sweep over at the cabbage patch!

Trust me, it might be fun! A good time to be had by almost everybody!

Visitors and spectators are always welcome. Bring your safety glasses and hearing protection, it’s mandatory.

Five fun-filled stages of Western wackiness.

Sign-up and registration is at 9:00 am.

Lead goes down range promptly somewhere around 10:00 am after the Pledge, safety meeting, and Shooters Welcome.

Coffee and Donuts in the morning! Water is provided by the club.

No lunch will be available so bring some snacks if you might get hungry!

We will have a CAS match rain or shine. If it rains; we have the match “up top, under the roof” at the 25 yard range.

That’s the Thursday Work Shirker on July 25, 2019!

We hope to see you there!

Slow Mo Dern

and the Shenango River Rats!

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1953 Sharon Hogue Rd
Masury, Trumbull County 44438

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