Thursday July 25, 2019! Work Shirker Match with the Shenango River Rats! It was a beautiful day in t

"What's this dude doin'?"
"He's tryin' to get into the zone!"
"The twilight zone?"
"No, the zone, man! The zone!"
"The school zone? He can't get there with all that hardware!"
"Shut up and get me a cup of coffee! Go make me some eggs!"
Yuh jest cain't explain "the zone" to some people!
Thursday July 25, 2019!
The Shenango River Rat’s Thursday Work Shirker Open Class CAS Match down at Yankee Flats!
That’s the Cowboy Range down in the woods at the Brookfield Conservation Club in Masury, Ohio!
It was a beautiful day for a cowboy match! The sun was out, the elk was running, the birds were flying, the plates were falling, the steel was ringing, and a good time was had by all!
Cheatin’ Charlie was our first place winner! Congratulations, Charlie!
Krazy Thom was our second place winner…that’s just Krazy!
Willy Goodnews came in third and Laramie Leadslinger was forth!
Lenny James won the fifth place spot followed by
Turkey Flats Jack in fifth!
Willie Miss finished in the lucky seventh place and El Dorado Jim came in at number eight!
Ol’ Slow Poke Mo was ninth again! …number 9, number 9, number 9…
Duelin’ Diehl got the tenth place spot while Hagen came in at lucky number eleven!
The clean-shootin’ Brunswick Kid, sportin’ a bran’ new lid… finished twelfth and Deadwood Dave finished strongly in the lucky thirteenth place.
Booney Young was our first place winner in the Wild Bunch category! Congratulations, Booney!
It was his first time in the Flats and I hope he had a good time!
The Brunswick Kid was our only clean shooter today…
Congratulations, Kid!
AwwSh**t recognition goes to Cheatin’ Charlie and Willie Miss!
Congratulations to all winners and contestants! YeeHaww!
The match started out really fine with many “good omens” and darned if it didn’t run like a well-oiled 26 jewel ebay watch!
We had 2 vehicles standing by; one for heat exhaustion victims and one with a chain for the ’52 Ford tractor! The Ford’s getting temperamental!
We had lotsa black powder shooters today with little to no wind. Seemed like the wind picked up on the last stage though.
Turkey Flats Jack was shootin’ smokeless. Ain’t that a wonderment!
He was sportin’ a sharp new lid and I almost didn’t recognize him!
The Brunswick Kid was sportin’ his new lid too! He’s starting to look more and more like Josey Wales!
I reckon so!
Big thanks to Hagen, Lenny James, and the Brunswick Kid for coming in early to target paint, add up scores, build a spatter wall, and put out the match signs.
Thanks, guys!
Thanks to Missouri Jake for letting us use his trailer, keeping the match scored, and signing everyone up.
Thanks, Jake!
We want to thank Duelin’ Diehl for his tractor and trailer expertise and for expertly making the geographical transition to the range loaded down with cowboys, carts, and ice water! Thanks, Double D!
Thanks to everyone for pitching in with all the posse chores, big and small, that helped make this match a success!
Willie Miss video-taped us with multiple cameras and he will email me when the editing is done. His YouTube channel is WillieMiss45. Check it out and tell us what you think!
Our next match is on Saturday August 10, 2019!
Look for another 5 stages of fun-filled Western wackiness!
Visitors and spectators are always welcome. Bring your safety glasses and hearing protection.
We want you to be safe!
We hope to see you there!
Slow Mo Dern
and the Shenango River Rats